New Delaval Primary School, located in Blyth, Northumberland, has recently undergone an inspection on June 18 and 19, 2024, and has been rated as good in overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school has made significant improvements following previous poor outcomes in national assessments, particularly in enhancing lesson delivery. Pupils express happiness and a sense of safety within the school environment, forming strong relationships with staff and engaging actively in play and learning activities.
The school has high expectations for pupil behaviour, instilling values of kindness and respect from early years. Pupils demonstrate good behaviour in lessons and during breaks, learning to manage their emotions effectively. The school promotes positive behaviour through rewards such as stickers and certificates. Leadership opportunities are available for some pupils, who are trained as peer mentors to support their peers with concerns. The school places a strong emphasis on mental health and well-being, ensuring pupils understand the importance of maintaining both mental and physical health.
Despite the progress made, challenges remain, particularly in addressing knowledge gaps that emerged during the pandemic. New leadership has focused on closing these gaps, and while many pupils are now well-prepared for the next stage of their education, some still struggle with secure knowledge by the end of key stage two. The curriculum has been revised to clarify essential knowledge for each subject, and staff are dedicated to developing pupils' vocabulary. However, there are instances where misconceptions in learning are not consistently addressed, which can hinder some pupils' progress.
The school’s approach to teaching has been effective in helping pupils retain important knowledge. For example, in computing, pupils revisit prior learning to enhance their understanding of coding. The curriculum changes have also highlighted some gaps in knowledge for a small number of pupils, particularly in foundation subjects, which can complicate new learning. The school has implemented effective phonics teaching, enabling pupils to read unfamiliar words and providing additional support for those who need it.
Attendance has been a focus for improvement, with persistent absence rates decreasing, although some pupils still miss significant amounts of learning. The school is committed to providing a range of experiences to support personal development, with character development being a notable strength. Pupils engage in various responsibilities, including roles in the school council and participation in community activities, which prepare them for life in modern Britain.
Staff well-being is prioritized, with leaders supporting them in managing workloads. The collaborative effort among the staff contributes to the overall improvement of the school. The governing body is actively involved in ensuring that the school meets its statutory duties and that actions taken are effective in enhancing educational provision.
The safeguarding arrangements at New Delaval Primary School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The school is encouraged to continue addressing the identified areas for improvement, particularly in consistently addressing misconceptions in learning and enhancing attendance strategies. Overall, the school demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and enriching educational experience for its pupils.