Annesley Primary and Nursery School, located in Nottinghamshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on November 22 and 23, 2022. The school is characterized by a welcoming atmosphere where pupils express enjoyment in attending. They demonstrate good behavior, politeness, and respect towards one another and staff. Pupils feel safe and are aware of the support available to them should they have any concerns. They understand the concept of bullying and are confident that staff would address any incidents swiftly.
The staff at Annesley Primary prioritize the happiness and readiness of pupils to learn. Teachers maintain high expectations for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The school’s values, encapsulated in the acronym ARCHIE, emphasize being Ambitious, Respectful, Confident, Honest, Independent, and Equal. These values are integrated into the school culture, and teachers actively encourage pupils to embody them.
Pupils benefit from a diverse range of educational experiences, including trips and visits from guest speakers, which they find exciting and engaging. The school offers various clubs and activities, including opportunities for pupils to participate in a choir and take on responsibilities that contribute to the school’s operations. Parents have expressed positive sentiments about the school, highlighting its community feel and the care provided to pupils.
The leadership team has developed a broad and rich curriculum, identifying essential knowledge that pupils need to learn and retain. This curriculum allows pupils to connect new learning with prior knowledge. However, some subject leaders are new to their roles and have not yet assessed the curriculum's impact on pupil learning effectively.
Recent changes have been made to the approach to teaching early reading, with a consistent method implemented across the school. Pupils begin their reading journey in the early years, with well-matched books to the sounds they are learning. Those who struggle with reading receive timely support to help them catch up. Pupils express enthusiasm for the books they read and the authors they admire, and teachers read to them daily, fostering a love for reading. The school features engaging reading areas, such as the Reading Shack and the Tardis, which provide a wide selection of books, promoting fluency and independence in reading.
Mathematics instruction is carefully planned, with content taught in a logical sequence that builds on prior knowledge. Staff frequently assess pupils' understanding and provide opportunities for them to revisit and reinforce their learning. In the early years, children use mathematical vocabulary to discuss shapes, enhancing their understanding of mathematical concepts.
In foundation subjects, leaders have identified key knowledge and concepts for each year group. For instance, in design and technology, pupils engage in workshops that allow them to plan, design, create, and evaluate their projects. Most teachers are confident in teaching various subjects and effectively use assessment to gauge pupil understanding.
The school is committed to supporting pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they can access the curriculum through tailored teaching methods. Leaders plan educational visits to broaden pupils' understanding of the world, encouraging active participation in the local community. Older pupils have organized fundraising initiatives for local charities and take on roles that support the school's functioning.
Despite the school's strengths, attendance remains a concern, with some pupils not attending regularly. This impacts their learning and limits their opportunities. Leaders are actively working with parents and caregivers to improve attendance rates.
Governors play a vital role in supporting and holding leaders accountable, understanding their responsibilities and ensuring staff welfare is considered. Staff report feeling supported and enjoy working at the school.
The safeguarding arrangements at Annesley Primary are effective, with leaders prioritizing pupil safety and ensuring staff are well-trained. Clear systems are in place for recording and addressing concerns, and leaders collaborate with external agencies to provide necessary support for pupils and families. The curriculum includes opportunities for pupils to learn about safety, including online safety, and they know whom to approach with concerns.
To improve, leaders need to ensure that subject leaders receive the training and time necessary to monitor their subjects effectively. Additionally, addressing the current level of pupil absence is crucial to ensure all pupils can access the curriculum and achieve their potential.