Coppice Farm Primary School, located in Arnold, Nottinghamshire, has been inspected and continues to be recognized as a good school. The inspection took place on June 11 and 12, 2024. Parents and pupils describe the school as a friendly environment where pupils behave well and maintain respectful relationships with staff. The school has high expectations for behavior, and pupils respond positively, contributing to a calm and purposeful atmosphere in classrooms. When challenges arise, pupils receive appropriate support, and they hold their teachers in high regard, appreciating their kindness and assistance in learning.
Pupils express a strong sense of safety at school, with most parents agreeing. They feel confident in approaching adults with problems, trusting that they will be listened to and supported. The school’s dog mentor, Piper, is a beloved presence, providing comfort to pupils during difficult times. Leadership opportunities are available for pupils, who take these roles seriously, such as Year 6 ambassadors participating in staff recruitment processes.
The school offers a diverse range of experiences, including visits from experts who teach about various faiths and cultures. Many pupils engage in extracurricular activities, with the choir being particularly popular. Recent performances, such as a mass choir concert, have been well-received.
Coppice Farm Primary School provides a good quality of education, with ongoing development of the curriculum to ensure it is well-structured and thoughtfully planned. Staff effectively help pupils recall prior knowledge and connect it to current learning. For instance, Year 3 pupils demonstrated their understanding of fractions by explaining how they built on their knowledge from Year 2. While changes to the curriculum are underway, they are beginning to positively impact pupils' learning.
Staff take the time to explain concepts clearly and model learning effectively, which aids pupils in grasping new ideas quickly. High expectations are set for pupils, encouraging them to use precise vocabulary to articulate their thoughts. This practice starts in the early years, where children confidently use positional vocabulary.
Despite pupils enjoying their lessons, attendance remains a concern, with too many pupils frequently absent. While some improvements have been noted, the school’s expectations for attendance need to be higher, and current strategies to enhance attendance are not always effective.
The school demonstrates a clear understanding of the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff ensure these pupils receive necessary support, although expectations for their achievements can sometimes be inconsistent. Learning adaptations are not always effectively tailored to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND.
Reading is prioritized, and pupils enjoy both reading and listening to stories. Year 6 pupils actively engage in selecting books based on their interests and discuss their favorite authors. Staff are well-trained in teaching reading, with a consistent phonics approach in place. However, some pupils who fall behind may not receive timely assistance to catch up.
The school promotes personal development effectively, with pupils demonstrating knowledge of British values, diversity, and healthy relationships. They are well-prepared for life in modern Britain. Recent changes to the governing body have clarified roles and aligned them with the school’s strengths and needs. Staff appreciate the supportive team spirit, although communication among stakeholders could be improved to ensure important information is conveyed clearly and promptly.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. To improve, the school should focus on adapting the curriculum more effectively for all pupils, raising attendance expectations, and enhancing communication among stakeholders.