Gotham Primary School, located in Nottinghamshire, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection in October 2018, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The recent inspection on July 12 and 13, 2022, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good across all areas, including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school’s mission statement, Being the best we can be together, reflects its aspirational ethos and strong sense of community. Staff members are dedicated to knowing their pupils well, combining care and support with high expectations, which contributes to a positive learning environment where pupils express happiness about attending school.
Pupils at Gotham Primary are taught to manage their feelings and understand the importance of resilience. They demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning, with many expressing that mistakes are simply opportunities for further attempts. The school promotes a culture of respect and understanding, with clear rules and routines that foster a peaceful learning atmosphere. Bullying is not tolerated, and pupils are educated on how to recognize and report it. Parents and carers appreciate the school's communication and support, noting the dedication and approachability of the staff.
The leadership at Gotham Primary is effective, with significant improvements made in recent years. The curriculum has been redesigned to ensure logical progression and clarity in what pupils are expected to learn from early years through to Year 6. Subject leaders have outlined essential knowledge and vocabulary for each subject, allowing teachers to have a clear understanding of their teaching objectives. However, some subject leaders have not fully assessed whether pupils grasp the planned knowledge, which limits their ability to evaluate the effectiveness of their curriculum.
Mathematics instruction is particularly strong, with teachers presenting information clearly and prioritizing basic skills to ensure fluency. Younger pupils engage in counting activities, while older students practice their times tables. The school emphasizes the importance of revisiting previously learned concepts to reinforce understanding. Reading instruction begins early, with a new phonics program in place that is taught consistently across the school. Staff regularly assess pupils' knowledge of letters and sounds, providing additional support as needed.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities achieve well, receiving tailored support to ensure they can learn alongside their peers. The school places a strong emphasis on personal development, teaching pupils to value diversity and understand healthy relationships. Attendance rates are generally high, although some pupils do not attend as regularly as required, which impacts their learning progress.
Governance at Gotham Primary has improved significantly, with governors actively engaging in the school’s development and monitoring the impact of additional funding. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to identify and act on concerns regarding pupil welfare. Pupils are educated on safety, including online safety, and feel comfortable reporting any worries to trusted adults.
To further enhance the school’s effectiveness, leaders should ensure that all subject leaders regularly check pupils' understanding of the curriculum and address the issue of persistent absenteeism among a small number of pupils. Overall, Gotham Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a supportive and high-quality educational experience for its pupils.