Kingsway Primary School in Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, has been rated as good in its recent inspection conducted on November 15 and 16, 2022. The school is characterized by a warm and friendly atmosphere where pupils feel supported and encouraged by their teachers. The school's values, known as Kingsway KIT, emphasize kindness, independence, and teamwork, which are integral to the school culture. Pupils report that bullying is rare and express trust in the staff to handle any incidents effectively. The relationships between staff and pupils are notably positive, contributing to a nurturing environment.
The leadership at Kingsway Primary is ambitious, ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, receive the necessary support to thrive. The school is inclusive, and pupils are well-prepared for their future educational journeys. Early years provision is strong, with children making a good start in their learning, acquiring new knowledge and skills effectively. Pupils demonstrate respect for diversity, with many expressing that everyone is welcome at the school.
Kingsway Primary offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including sports clubs, cooking, and a popular school choir, which enrich the pupils' educational experience. Opportunities for leadership development are also available through roles in the class or school council and as kindness ambassadors. The school has high expectations for pupil achievement and has recently reviewed its curriculum to ensure it is ambitious and well-structured.
Teachers generally use assessment effectively to monitor pupil understanding and provide timely feedback. Mathematics is identified as a particular strength, with staff adept at addressing misconceptions and guiding pupils in their learning. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in some foundation subjects where misconceptions in written work are not always identified. While most teachers deliver the curriculum effectively, there are instances where activities do not clearly support the development of knowledge in a structured manner.
The school prioritizes early reading, implementing a new phonics program that has shown promising results. Pupils in the early years are encouraged to use their phonics knowledge to read and write simple words, and those who struggle receive appropriate support to catch up. The focus on communication and language development in early years ensures that children can articulate their learning and collaborate well with peers.
Pupils exhibit friendly and polite behavior towards visitors and demonstrate good conduct in lessons. The school's behavior management system is consistently applied, contributing to a positive learning environment. Personal development is a key strength, with pupils learning about healthy eating and developing respect for one another and different faiths through the personal, social, and health education curriculum.
Governance at Kingsway Primary is effective, with governors possessing a diverse range of skills that enable them to support and challenge school leaders. Staff feel well-supported and valued, contributing to a positive workplace culture. The safeguarding arrangements are robust, with leaders taking their responsibilities seriously and ensuring that staff are well-trained to maintain a safe environment for pupils.
To enhance its effectiveness, the school needs to implement a clear assessment and feedback policy across all subject areas to ensure that misconceptions are consistently identified and addressed. Additionally, while the curriculum is broad and ambitious, it is essential for teachers to deliver it effectively to ensure that pupils' knowledge and skills build progressively over time. Overall, Kingsway Primary School is a good educational institution that fosters a supportive and inclusive environment for its pupils.