Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Barley Hill Primary School on 2 May 2019, following its previous judgment of good in April 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld the standards since the last inspection, with a clear ambition for the school to be at least as good as any in England. Leaders and governors demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement, identifying areas for development and ensuring that planned changes have the desired impact.
Leadership development is prioritized, with school leaders being well-prepared for senior roles in other institutions. Middle leadership is becoming increasingly effective due to professional development opportunities that allow them to contribute meaningfully to school improvement. Leaders are dedicated to raising outcomes for all pupils, particularly those in vulnerable groups, by enhancing the quality of teaching across the school.
Barley Hill Primary School actively engages with its local community and collaborates with nearby schools to benefit all pupils and staff. This partnership allows teachers to compare their pupils' learning with that of other local schools. The school fosters strong community links, with pupils visiting local places of worship and inviting older neighbors for lunch.
Pupils enjoy attending school and are motivated by their learning. They demonstrate commendable perseverance and enthusiasm in their work, appreciating the fun and supportive environment created by their teachers. Many pupils take on additional responsibilities, such as becoming school councillors or members of the eco committee, and they show a good understanding of charitable activities, expressing a desire to help those less fortunate.
Parents and carers generally hold positive views about the school, particularly regarding the supportive and approachable nature of the teaching staff. While a few parents raised concerns about bullying, the inspection found no evidence of poor behavior, and any reported incidents were dealt with appropriately. Pupils demonstrated a sound understanding of bullying, including cyberbullying, and expressed confidence in the teachers' ability to address such issues.
The school’s performance in the early years, key stage 1, and key stage 2 has been above the national average in all areas. Current work indicates that standards remain high in reading, writing, and mathematics. Leaders focus on vulnerable pupils, monitoring their progress closely to ensure they are making sufficient gains and that any gaps in attainment are closing.
Since the last inspection, the school has improved the quality of teaching, with teachers now planning more challenging tasks for the most able pupils. Lower-attaining pupils also benefit from tailored support that breaks their learning into manageable steps, leading to better progress. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, meeting statutory requirements, and all staff receive regular training to ensure they understand the procedures in place.
During the inspection, the progress of pupils with below-average prior attainment and the performance of disadvantaged pupils in mathematics were examined. Leaders have implemented effective support for these pupils, resulting in strong progress in reading and writing. In mathematics, while expectations are high, some pupils require additional support to meet these challenges. The curriculum is broad and balanced, engaging pupils in a wide range of subjects and providing opportunities to enhance their vocabulary and writing skills.
Leaders regularly review the curriculum to ensure it interests both boys and girls equally, with no observed differences in participation during the inspection. However, there is recognition that the school needs to better define the knowledge and skills pupils should acquire in each year group, and work is underway to address this.
Next steps for the school include accelerating the progress of lower-attaining pupils in mathematics and further developing the wider curriculum to ensure pupils learn subject-specific knowledge and skills more securely. The inspection findings highlight the school's strengths while also identifying areas for continued improvement, ensuring that Barley Hill Primary School remains committed to providing a high-quality education for all its pupils.