Dry Sandford Primary School, located in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on January 17, 2023. The school is characterized by a strong ethos of nurture and support, which is evident in the positive environment it fosters for its pupils. Students feel happy and safe, and they demonstrate maturity in addressing friendship issues, with bullying being rare and not tolerated. The school emphasizes the importance of listening and understanding in building successful relationships, and adults are readily available to support pupils when needed.
Teachers at Dry Sandford Primary School maintain high expectations for all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The focus is on instilling a love for learning and encouraging pupils to engage passionately with subjects that interest them. Most pupils are achieving well and are confident in discussing their learning experiences, including school trips and opportunities. Parents appreciate the school's efforts in promoting a positive learning atmosphere. Older pupils take on responsibilities within the school, understanding their role as role models for younger students.
Pupil behavior is commendable, with students moving calmly around the school and showing respect for one another. The established school rules are well understood, contributing to a harmonious environment where older pupils assist younger ones in learning routines during playtime.
The curriculum at Dry Sandford Primary School is ambitious and well-structured, with staff effectively planning and teaching essential knowledge, skills, and vocabulary. Pupils are provided with numerous opportunities to practice and apply their learning across various subjects. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in some foundation subjects where leaders have not clearly identified the key knowledge pupils need to learn. This sometimes hinders pupils' ability to connect with and build upon their previous learning.
In subjects like history, the curriculum is engaging and relevant, with pupils eager to learn about past events. The school organizes visits to local historical sites, enhancing students' understanding of history. Teachers regularly assess pupils' progress, swiftly addressing any gaps in learning.
The school has effectively identified the needs of pupils with special educational needs and has developed plans to support their success. Reading is prioritized from the early years, with daily phonics instruction helping most pupils read and spell accurately. While staff training in the new phonics program has been implemented, some inconsistencies remain in identifying gaps in pupils' phonics knowledge, affecting a few students' progress.
Daily reading sessions and storytime foster a love for reading among pupils, who enjoy the books selected by their teachers. The school celebrates reading through events like World Book Day and author visits, providing pupils with diverse reading experiences.
Pupils exhibit good behavior and are confident in discussing any occasional poor behavior, recognizing that it often indicates a need for support. The school promotes a curriculum that supports broader development, with pupils understanding the importance of physical fitness and healthy eating.
Leaders are mindful of staff workload and well-being, providing opportunities for professional development. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with staff trained to ensure pupils' safety and well-being. Strong relationships with safeguarding professionals enhance the support available to families.
While the school continues to perform well, there are areas for improvement, particularly in phonics instruction and the clarity of essential knowledge in some foundation subjects. Addressing these areas will further enhance the educational experience for all pupils at Dry Sandford Primary School.