Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Dorchester St Birinus Church of England School on 11 June 2019, following its previous judgment of good in December 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under the headteacher's clear and purposeful guidance, has effectively driven improvements. The staff and governors are ambitious for the pupils, demonstrating a strong understanding of the school's performance and the standards achieved. The school’s vision of inspiring one another to be the best as a learning community is evident, with high staff morale and a strong sense of teamwork.
During the visit, pupils were found to be welcoming, polite, and well-mannered, collaborating effectively in lessons and showing respect for adults. They expressed pride in their school, describing it as fun, friendly, and homely. The pastoral care provided is robust, allowing pupils to thrive. The inspection noted that the school has maintained strengths in teaching, supportive governance, and effective systems for monitoring pupil progress. The school has successfully addressed previous recommendations to improve reading achievement by promoting regular reading at home and encouraging parental involvement. Pupils now show enthusiasm for reading, and the implemented reading strategy has fostered a love for literature.
While pupils generally make good progress in reading, writing, and mathematics, some inconsistencies in challenge for the most able pupils were identified. The leadership has recognized the need for more challenging teaching to enhance progress further. Safeguarding practices are effective, with a strong culture of safety established through collaboration with governors and the community. The school prioritizes creating a secure environment for learning, and detailed record-keeping ensures that staff are properly vetted and trained in child protection policies.
The inspection findings highlighted the need for continued improvement in mathematics, particularly for the most able pupils, and the importance of enhancing overall attendance rates to meet national averages. The school has made strides in reorganizing the mathematics curriculum and raising expectations, resulting in improved outcomes for pupils. Writing has also seen significant progress due to a revamped curriculum that engages pupils and inspires them to write.
The school is actively working to improve attendance by engaging with families and addressing issues of persistent absence. The reading curriculum has been strengthened, leading to increased pupil achievement in reading standards. The curriculum planning allows pupils to acquire skills across various subjects, enhancing their overall educational experience. Extracurricular activities further contribute to a well-rounded education.
In summary, Dorchester St Birinus Church of England School continues to provide a good quality of education, with effective leadership and a committed staff. The school is focused on addressing areas for improvement, particularly in mathematics and attendance, while fostering a positive and supportive learning environment for all pupils.