Marsh Baldon Church of England Primary School, located in Oxfordshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on October 11, 2023. The school fosters a warm and friendly environment where pupils feel safe and supported. They enjoy their daily experiences, participating in various activities such as sports and clubs, which contribute to their overall happiness and sense of belonging. The school has established clear expectations for behavior, resulting in well-mannered and respectful pupils who take pride in being role models for younger students. The positive atmosphere is further enhanced by special recognition events, such as the golden awards assembly, which pupils particularly appreciate.
The curriculum at Marsh Baldon is ambitious and designed to cater to all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Teachers are adept at managing mixed-age group teaching, ensuring that pupils build their knowledge and skills progressively. The school emphasizes the importance of practical activities, especially in early mathematics, and provides ample opportunities for pupils to practice and revisit previously learned material, particularly in English and mathematics. This structured approach helps pupils secure their understanding before advancing to new concepts.
Pupils express enthusiasm for their learning and can articulate connections between different subjects, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of their curriculum. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in foundation subjects, where opportunities to assess pupils' knowledge and skills are insufficient. This gap can hinder teachers' ability to identify specific support needs for pupils who may struggle with certain concepts.
The school effectively identifies the needs of pupils with special educational needs, and staff are well-equipped to provide the necessary support. Nonetheless, there are instances when pupils may lose focus without adult supervision, particularly during writing activities. The school is aware of this challenge and has initiated new strategies to enhance writing skills, although these measures are still being fully implemented.
The reading curriculum is robust, with pupils engaging with a diverse range of books. The school prioritizes reading from early years, ensuring that younger pupils develop their phonics knowledge effectively. Despite this, some pupils in key stage one are not yet reading with the confidence and fluency expected. The school acknowledges the need for additional support for these pupils to help them progress more rapidly.
Pupils understand the school rules and can articulate their importance, linking them to the school's values. While disruptions during lessons are rare, there are occasions when pupils talk amongst themselves, which can affect concentration. The school provides numerous opportunities for pupils to explore their talents through various events and activities, fostering a sense of community and engagement.
The new headteacher and governing body are well-acquainted with the school's strengths and areas needing attention. They prioritize staff well-being and workload, which has been positively received by the staff. The safeguarding arrangements in place are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils.
To enhance its performance, the school must focus on improving the support for key stage one pupils who struggle with reading, ensuring that interventions are precise and effective. Additionally, there is a need to develop teachers' expertise in assessing pupils' knowledge in foundation subjects to address any gaps in understanding. The recent strategies for improving writing skills require ongoing monitoring to ensure that all pupils achieve the desired outcomes in their writing. Overall, Marsh Baldon Church of England Primary School continues to provide a supportive and enriching educational experience for its pupils.