St Laurence Church of England (A) School, located in Warborough, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, underwent an inspection on 8 and 9 February 2022. The overall effectiveness of the school was rated as inadequate, with specific areas such as leadership and management also receiving an inadequate rating. The quality of education was deemed to require improvement, while behavior and attitudes, personal development, and early years provision were rated as good.
Pupils at St Laurence School express pride and happiness in attending, feeling safe and supported by the staff. They demonstrate care for one another and appreciate the presence of adults they can approach with concerns. However, the inspection revealed that leaders have not established effective systems for safeguarding children, with concerns about pupils' welfare not being adequately recorded or addressed.
The enthusiasm for learning among pupils is evident, particularly in outdoor activities and a variety of clubs that foster individual talents. These clubs, which include dance, choir, hockey, drawing, and yoga, are well-attended. Pupils also enjoy educational visits, such as a memorable trip to the Titanic Museum. The school environment is characterized by kindness and respect, with most pupils behaving well and reporting that bullying is rare and effectively managed by teachers. Parents have expressed satisfaction with the school, highlighting its positive and friendly atmosphere.
Despite the positive aspects, the school faces challenges in improving the teaching of reading. Leaders have recognized the need for enhancement and introduced a new phonics program aimed at improving early reading instruction. However, inconsistencies in the delivery of this program have hindered its effectiveness, particularly in key stage 1, where some pupils struggle with reading. The teaching of phonics is more effective in the early years, and there is a focus on fostering a love for reading across all year groups.
Curriculum plans for various subjects are in place, with teachers considering how to build pupils' knowledge progressively. However, the sequencing of knowledge in key stage 1, especially in mathematics, is sometimes unclear. The special educational needs coordinator conducts helpful assessments to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring that teachers and teaching assistants are well-informed about how to assist each pupil.
The school maintains a calm and orderly environment, with pupils playing well together during breaks. While some pupils may occasionally lose focus in lessons, teachers effectively manage behavior to minimize disruptions. Attendance is high, and leaders maintain regular communication with parents regarding absences.
The personal, social, and health education curriculum has been recently reviewed, covering topics such as healthy relationships and mental well-being. However, pupils' understanding of online safety is not consistently secure. Leaders and governors show concern for staff well-being, considering workload implications when introducing new initiatives, and fostering a supportive network among staff.
Governors are actively involved in the school but have not effectively held leaders accountable for performance. Although reading has been a focus, weaknesses in phonics instruction have not been adequately identified. The safeguarding arrangements are a significant concern, with leaders failing to implement robust systems. Concerns about children's welfare have not been logged properly, leaving children at risk. A thorough review of safeguarding procedures is urgently needed to ensure compliance with statutory requirements and to establish a vigilant safeguarding culture.
In summary, while St Laurence Church of England School has strengths in pupil behavior, personal development, and some aspects of the curriculum, it faces significant challenges in leadership, safeguarding, and the effectiveness of its reading instruction. Immediate action is required to address these issues and improve the overall effectiveness of the school.