St Mary and St John Church of England Primary School in Oxford was inspected on May 4 and 5, 2023, and received an overall effectiveness rating of good. The school demonstrates a strong commitment to providing a quality education, with good ratings across all key areas including the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school fosters an inclusive environment where pupils enjoy learning and feel safe. The values of love, respect, empathy, courage, aspiration, and curiosity are integrated into the curriculum and school activities, contributing to a positive school culture.
Pupils exhibit good attitudes towards their learning and take their leadership responsibilities seriously, such as older pupils looking out for younger ones during playtime. The school leaders prioritize regular attendance and academic achievement, working closely with parents to support families when needed. High expectations for pupil achievement are evident, and pupils take pride in their work. The behavior of pupils is commendable, with clear expectations communicated throughout the school, leading to a focused learning environment.
The school excels in curriculum development, with leaders carefully selecting what pupils should learn and ensuring that lessons are well-planned. However, there is a noted disconnect in the curriculum between the early years and Year 1, which hampers the seamless transition for pupils. Staff at both the early years and key stage one levels need to collaborate more effectively to ensure continuity in learning experiences.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are provided with equal learning opportunities, and the school ensures that all pupils receive the necessary support to meet their needs. The new assessment approach is being implemented, with most teachers regularly checking pupil understanding and addressing misconceptions promptly. However, consistency in applying this assessment policy varies among staff, which can affect pupil progress.
The school places a strong emphasis on developing pupils' reading skills, providing additional support to those who struggle. While this approach is generally effective, the precision of assessment regarding this support could be improved to ensure that all pupils receive the specific help they need. Pupils are engaged and focused during lessons, allowing for uninterrupted teaching and learning.
Extra-curricular activities are available, but participation among disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs is lower than desired. The school offers a variety of external visits that enhance the curriculum, and pupils can recall their experiences and learning from these outings. Character education is deeply rooted in the school's values, with a focus on developing resilience and curiosity in pupils to prepare them for future challenges.
Leaders, including governors, are ambitious for the school and have identified appropriate priorities for improvement. Regular visits and meetings with pupils, parents, and staff provide governors with a comprehensive understanding of the school’s operations. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to identify and report concerns promptly. Pupils are educated on safety, including online safety, and the school maintains rigorous recruitment processes to ensure a safe environment.
To improve, the school needs to enhance collaboration between early years and key stage one staff to ensure a cohesive curriculum. Additionally, consistent application of the assessment policy across all staff is necessary to quickly identify and address pupil misunderstandings. Overall, St Mary and St John Church of England Primary School is a good school that is committed to the continuous improvement of its educational offerings.