Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Apley Wood Primary School on 15 November 2018, marking the first such visit since the school was rated as good in October 2013. The inspection concluded that the school continues to maintain its good status. The leadership team has effectively upheld the quality of education, ensuring that curriculum plans focus on developing core skills that facilitate good progress among pupils. Students exhibit enthusiasm and engagement in their studies, demonstrating resilience and a mature attitude towards learning. Feedback from pupils highlights their understanding of history and its relevance to the present, reflecting a positive school culture.
Pupils expressed their enjoyment of school and displayed good behavior, feeling trusted and expected to work hard. The school has enriched its curriculum through various educational experiences, such as a theatre group collaboration that promoted healthy eating. A character education program has been implemented, aligning with the school's vision for pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, preparing them for life in modern Britain.
The school has successfully addressed previous areas for improvement, with leaders investing in effective training for subject coordinators. This has resulted in more pupils reaching expected standards across the curriculum. By the end of key stage two, the proportion of pupils achieving expected and higher standards in reading, writing, and mathematics aligns with national averages. However, challenges remain in meeting the needs of lower-attaining and disadvantaged pupils, hindering their progress.
High expectations for staff have fostered leadership development among teachers early in their careers. Staff reported positively on the training received, which has enhanced their skills as subject leaders. The leadership team conducts regular checks on classroom activities, holding teachers accountable and using their insights to create focused improvement plans. Opportunities for pupils to develop writing skills across the curriculum are effective, though further work is needed to enhance the application of mathematical skills.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with the leadership team ensuring that all arrangements are effective. The inclusion mentor provides vital support for vulnerable pupils and their families, and staff are trained to maintain a safe environment. The school community is aware of specific challenges, and appropriate support is in place. Governors actively monitor the school's work, and the Pupil Safeguarding Board empowers students to communicate safety messages.
The inspection revealed that subject leaders are well-trained and supported, contributing to improved standards in foundation subjects. The leadership team has established an effective assessment system to monitor pupil progress across all subjects, enabling targeted support for those at risk of falling behind. The additional funding for disadvantaged pupils is carefully monitored, demonstrating positive outcomes from the support provided.
Pupils are engaged in their learning, confidently discussing their progress and areas for improvement. They are encouraged to set personal targets, fostering a sense of ownership over their development. The school has implemented strategies to promote readiness to learn, resulting in focused engagement during lessons.
While pupils' personal development and understanding of safety are well addressed, opportunities for applying mathematical skills across the curriculum require further enhancement. Leaders are aware of the need to accelerate progress for disadvantaged pupils, ensuring that improvement plans are sharply focused on this goal. The staff encourages pupils to articulate their reasoning in mathematics, which aids in reaching higher standards. However, the work assigned to lower-attaining and disadvantaged pupils needs to be better tailored to their specific needs to facilitate their progress.
In summary, Apley Wood Primary School continues to provide a good quality of education, with effective leadership and a positive learning environment. The school is committed to addressing areas for improvement, particularly in supporting lower-attaining and disadvantaged pupils, while maintaining high standards across the curriculum.