Cockshutt CofE Primary School and Nursery, located in Ellesmere, Shropshire, has been rated as good overall in its recent inspection. The school provides a safe and enjoyable learning environment where pupils thrive. Leaders and staff maintain high expectations for all students, ensuring that they receive the support necessary to flourish academically and personally. The school fosters an inclusive and tolerant community, with pupils generally exhibiting kindness towards one another. Any instances of unkind behavior or bullying are addressed promptly by staff. The school motto encourages a culture of support and motivation among pupils, contributing to a positive atmosphere.
The curriculum at Cockshutt is ambitious and well-structured, with subject leaders clearly outlining what pupils should learn and when. Teachers are well-equipped to deliver the national curriculum effectively. Pupils frequently engage with prior learning, and staff systematically assess their understanding. While early reading is taught effectively, some pupils in key stage two have produced written work that lacks precision. The school places a strong emphasis on reading, with initiatives in place to support those who may fall behind. Mathematics teaching has also seen improvements, although some Year 6 pupils faced challenges in last year's assessments due to gaps in their knowledge upon joining the school.
The school is committed to broadening pupils' horizons through memorable experiences and enrichment opportunities. Pupils are encouraged to take on leadership roles and participate in organizing events and clubs. The school promotes social, moral, cultural, and spiritual development, effectively instilling British values such as tolerance and respect. Pupils engage in community events and support various charities, which helps them develop a broader perspective on the world.
In the early years, children receive excellent support in a calm and purposeful environment. Staff have high expectations and know the children well, fostering a love of learning from the outset. The curriculum is designed to prepare children for future learning, with a strong focus on phonics and mathematics. Outdoor learning opportunities are also well-developed, supporting children's physical and emotional growth.
Leadership at the school is strong, with leaders actively working to address areas needing improvement. Staff training is prioritized to enhance professional development, and relationships with parents and external agencies are positive. The governing body effectively holds leaders accountable and provides support based on performance data.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with staff trained to identify and address concerns swiftly. Pupils are educated about safety, including online risks, and know whom to approach with any issues. The school maintains detailed and accurate safeguarding records, and regular reviews ensure continuous improvement in this area.
To enhance the quality of education further, the school should focus on ensuring that older pupils consistently produce high-quality written work. Leaders are encouraged to monitor writing standards closely to reflect the overall quality of learning. Overall, Cockshutt CofE Primary School and Nursery demonstrates a strong commitment to providing a supportive and enriching educational experience for all its pupils.