Hadnall CofE Primary School is a good school located in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. The headteacher has a clear and ambitious vision for the school, which is shared by leaders, staff, and pupils. The school community is proud of their institution, and this is reflected in the good behavior of the pupils. Attendance has improved and is now slightly above the national average. The quality of teaching is good, with teachers demonstrating strong subject knowledge and effective questioning techniques that deepen learning for most pupils. Pupils express enthusiasm for learning, stating they discover new things every day. The majority of pupils are making good progress in reading, writing, and mathematics, including disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and disabilities, who receive appropriate support.
The school has effective safeguarding arrangements in place, ensuring that pupils feel safe and well cared for. The governing body plays an active role in supporting and challenging the school, with a clear understanding of the improvements made since the last inspection. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school, appreciating the welcoming atmosphere. Phonics teaching is strong in early years and key stage one, with home reading books appropriately matched to pupils' abilities. However, in key stage two, there is a noted lack of enthusiasm for reading among some pupils.
In writing, pupils develop their spelling, punctuation, and grammar skills effectively, but they lack sufficient opportunities to apply these skills in longer pieces of writing. In mathematics, while pupils are given opportunities to develop their fluency and reasoning skills, the work set does not always challenge the most able pupils. The early years provision is good, with children receiving a solid start in the Reception class, although the outdoor learning environment could be improved to enhance learning opportunities.
The curriculum is well-structured, offering a range of engaging learning experiences, but there are inconsistencies in the development of knowledge and skills in history and geography. The school has identified barriers to learning for disadvantaged pupils and uses additional funding effectively to ensure their inclusion in all aspects of school life. The use of the primary school PE and sport premium funding has also been effective, leading to improved teaching and increased participation in sports.
Pupils' personal development and welfare are well-promoted, with a strong understanding of the school's Christian values. They feel safe and valued, and positive relationships with staff are evident. Pupils demonstrate good behavior, with attendance above the national average and a significant reduction in regular absences. They are polite and courteous, valuing friendships and helping one another.
The school has made significant progress since the previous inspection, with the majority of pupils making good progress across all year groups. The proportion of pupils achieving the expected standard in the Year 1 phonics screening check is now in line with national standards. Disadvantaged pupils are making strong progress, and the school is successfully narrowing the gap between them and their peers. However, the most able pupils in mathematics are not always sufficiently challenged, which affects their overall achievement.
Overall, Hadnall CofE Primary School provides a supportive and effective learning environment where pupils thrive academically and personally. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, ensuring that all pupils receive a high-quality education that prepares them for future success.