St John the Baptist CofE (Controlled) Primary School is a smaller than average primary school located in Ruyton XI Towns, Shrewsbury, Shropshire. The school has received a good overall effectiveness rating in its latest inspection, which took place from March 5 to March 6, 2019. The leadership and management of the school are also rated as good, with leaders and governors demonstrating high expectations for themselves, pupils, and staff. They ensure that the school’s Christian values of hope, love, and respect are integrated into all aspects of school life. The support provided for pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding, with pupils showing a strong understanding of safety and the importance of healthy lifestyles.
The early years provision at the school is rated as outstanding, with children receiving high-quality teaching that enables them to make substantial and sustained progress. The governors have a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement, providing effective support and challenge to the leadership team. Subject coordinators receive training to enhance their leadership skills, although some require further development to maximize their impact on school improvement.
Teaching quality is generally good, with teachers using their subject knowledge to create engaging and interesting lessons. However, there are instances, particularly in key stage 1, where the most able pupils are not sufficiently challenged. Most pupils make strong progress across various subjects, although historical data indicates that some pupils have not always achieved the expected progress in writing and mathematics.
The school offers a broad and balanced curriculum, providing numerous opportunities for enrichment and enhancing learning across all subjects. Pupils are well-prepared for the next stage of their education, acquiring knowledge and skills that support their development. The school effectively identifies the additional needs of pupils, ensuring that disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) make good progress.
Pupils exhibit good behavior, being polite, well-mannered, and welcoming to visitors. The school promotes pupils’ personal development and welfare exceptionally well, fostering articulate and confident individuals who approach challenges positively. Pupils understand the school’s values and demonstrate them in their interactions. They are knowledgeable about safety, including internet safety, and have a clear understanding of healthy relationships.
The school’s leadership prioritizes pupils’ physical and emotional well-being, emphasizing the importance of exercise and a balanced diet. Pupils engage in various responsibilities, such as participating in the eco-council and supporting younger peers during lunchtime. The school ensures that pupils develop an understanding of the wider world, learning about different cultures and significant current events.
Overall, the school has established effective safeguarding arrangements, ensuring that pupils feel safe and well-cared for. The leadership team regularly monitors the quality of teaching and pupils’ progress, taking action to support those at risk of falling behind. The school’s assessment information indicates that pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, make good progress in reading, writing, and mathematics. The early years provision is particularly strong, with children making excellent progress in their learning and development. The school community, including parents, expresses a positive view of the school, highlighting the safety, happiness, and progress of their children.