Selattyn CofE Primary School is recognized as a good school, providing a nurturing and supportive environment for its pupils. The school is characterized by its small size and friendly atmosphere, which contributes to the happiness and safety of its students. Leaders and staff are dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment where every pupil can thrive, particularly those facing challenges. The positive behavior of pupils is evident, as they demonstrate good manners, kindness, and the ability to form friendships across different age groups. Any instances of unkindness are addressed promptly by the staff.
Pupils express a genuine enjoyment of learning, particularly appreciating the opportunity to engage with the outdoors and the local curriculum, which is delivered in mixed-age groups. This approach encourages leadership and independence among students. The school offers a variety of enrichment activities, including singing, drama, sports, and art clubs, which help pupils explore new interests and talents. Older pupils often take on roles such as monitors or librarians, showcasing their leadership skills and contributing to the school community.
Parents and carers hold a favorable view of the school, valuing its family-like ethos and the supportive environment it provides. While most parents would recommend the school to others, some seek more information regarding the curriculum and what their children are learning.
The school excels in reading, with a strong emphasis on phonics from the moment children enter Reception. This focus on reading is reflected in the progress pupils make, as they are matched with books that suit their abilities. The school day typically begins with reading, and pupils are encouraged to read widely. Staff are proactive in helping those who may fall behind, ensuring that all pupils achieve well in reading assessments.
Mathematics is also taught effectively, with a well-structured curriculum that builds on previous knowledge. Pupils are encouraged to apply their mathematical understanding to solve problems. However, some pupils find certain tasks too easy, while others may lack confidence in tackling more challenging work. Despite these challenges, overall performance in mathematics assessments is commendable.
In contrast, the school faces challenges in science and some foundation subjects, where assessment practices are inconsistent. This lack of clarity makes it difficult for leaders to ascertain whether pupils are learning the necessary content. In art, pupils show enthusiasm and creativity, producing impressive work and gaining knowledge of art history.
Pupils' behavior in lessons is commendable, contributing to a positive learning environment. They listen attentively, follow instructions, and engage actively in their work. Attendance rates are high, reflecting their enjoyment of school. The school promotes a culture of respect and inclusivity, which is particularly beneficial for pupils who may have faced challenges in other settings.
The headteacher provides strong leadership, setting high expectations for conduct and effort. The support from the governing body enhances the school's ability to maintain staff well-being and drive improvement. The leadership of early years is also effective, ensuring that children settle well and engage in meaningful learning experiences.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with staff trained to recognize and address potential risks. Pupils are educated on how to keep themselves safe, particularly in relation to internet use. Overall, Selattyn CofE Primary School continues to be a good school, with a strong commitment to the well-being and success of its pupils. However, there is a need for improvement in the assessment of learning in science and foundation subjects, as well as ensuring that all pupils are appropriately challenged in mathematics.