Ashcott Primary School, located in Bridgwater, Somerset, has been recognized for its overall effectiveness as a good school following an inspection in March 2019. The leadership and management of the school have shown significant improvement since the previous inspection, with leaders swiftly addressing identified areas for development. Senior leaders closely monitor teaching and pupil progress, implementing focused improvement plans that have led to most pupils making good progress across various subjects. The governing body demonstrates ambition for the school, holding leaders accountable through a solid understanding of the school's strengths and areas needing improvement.
A strong culture of safeguarding is evident throughout the school, with clear procedures in place to ensure pupil safety. Teachers exhibit good subject knowledge and effectively use questioning techniques to challenge pupils' thinking. The school has also taken effective measures to improve attendance, and teaching assistants play a vital role in supporting pupil progress. Pupils' behavior is commendable; they are polite, respectful, and engaged in their learning. The curriculum is broad and balanced, providing exciting and engaging opportunities that stimulate pupils' interests. Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, as well as disadvantaged pupils, is effective, contributing to their good progress.
Assessment systems in reading and mathematics are robust, providing accurate information about pupils' attainment. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in writing, where assessment of grammar and spelling lacks precision, hindering some pupils' writing abilities. In mathematics, there is a need for more challenging work for the most able pupils. The early years provision is also rated as good, with children receiving a stimulating and structured learning environment. However, some middle-prior-attaining children do not make the progress they are capable of.
To further improve, the school needs to enhance the quality of teaching, learning, and assessment by ensuring that teachers challenge the most able pupils in mathematics and assess spelling and grammar more effectively to improve writing. Strengthening teaching and assessment in early years is also essential to better support middle-prior-attaining children.
The leadership and management of the school are effective, with the headteacher and senior leaders successfully addressing previous inspection findings. They have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, using self-evaluation to identify priorities. Subject leaders, particularly in English and mathematics, are passionate about their roles and monitor the impact of their actions on teaching quality and pupil outcomes.
Staff morale is high, with teachers feeling supported and valuing the training opportunities provided. Most parents hold positive views of the school, highlighting its caring ethos and welcoming atmosphere. The curriculum is engaging, and pupils are developing their knowledge and skills across a wide range of subjects. However, pupils' awareness of different cultures and faiths in modern Britain could be strengthened.
Governance has improved significantly, with governors actively engaging in the school's development. They have a detailed understanding of the school and communicate effectively about its strengths and areas for improvement. Governors monitor the impact of additional funding, such as the pupil premium, to ensure it is used effectively to support disadvantaged pupils.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with a strong culture of safety throughout the school. Staff are well-trained and understand the procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child's welfare. The school maintains thorough records of staff checks and follows robust recruitment procedures.
Overall, Ashcott Primary School provides a good education for its pupils, with effective leadership, a supportive environment, and a commitment to continuous improvement. The school is well-prepared to address the areas identified for further development, ensuring that all pupils can achieve their full potential.