Parkfield Primary School, located in Taunton, Somerset, has undergone significant improvements since its last inspection in 2017, moving from a grade of Requires Improvement to an overall effectiveness rating of Good. The inspection, conducted on February 11 and 12, 2020, highlighted the positive changes implemented by school leaders and staff, who have raised expectations for student achievement. The school’s motto, emphasizing success and happiness through hard work, resonates with pupils, who express pride in their school and enjoyment in their learning experiences.
Pupils are engaged in a well-rounded curriculum that includes opportunities for extra responsibilities, such as participating in the school council and eco-council, which fosters a sense of community and civic responsibility. The curriculum is enriched with various activities, including music education, where every pupil learns to play at least one instrument. The school also emphasizes the importance of understanding the wider world through planned visits and interactions with visitors.
Safety and well-being are prioritized at Parkfield Primary School. Pupils report feeling safe and indicate that instances of bullying are rare, with staff addressing any issues promptly. The behavior of pupils in lessons is commendable, as they are motivated to work hard. However, there are occasional challenges during playtime, which school leaders are actively working to improve.
The quality of education has seen rapid enhancements, particularly in writing, where teaching methods are effective in helping pupils write accurately and creatively. Mathematics instruction is also well-structured, allowing pupils to build on their knowledge progressively. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in providing more opportunities for problem-solving in mathematics and ensuring that pupils can connect their learning across subjects, such as history.
In science, pupils demonstrate a good retention of knowledge and use scientific language effectively. Yet, in some subjects, pupils struggle to recall previous learning, indicating a need for better integration of knowledge across the curriculum. Subject leaders have ambitious plans, but some teachers require further support to deliver these effectively.
Early reading instruction is a strength of the school, with children in Reception learning phonics and developing confidence in reading. Staff are proactive in identifying pupils who need additional support, ensuring that gaps in knowledge are addressed promptly. However, some older pupils in Key Stage 2 require more practice to become fluent readers, and staff need to enhance their subject knowledge to support these pupils effectively.
The early years provision is strong, with staff successfully developing children's communication and early writing skills, preparing them well for Year 1. The school also effectively supports pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they receive appropriate targets and assistance.
Pupils' personal development is a key focus, with the curriculum promoting respect and understanding of others. They engage in community improvement initiatives, demonstrating kindness and responsibility. Attendance is high, reflecting positive attitudes toward learning.
Governance at the school is robust, with governors providing strong support and challenge to school leaders. They have taken steps to promote staff well-being, which is appreciated by the teaching staff.
The safeguarding measures in place are effective, with thorough checks ensuring staff suitability and regular training to address potential risks. The curriculum also educates pupils on safety, particularly online safety.
To further improve, the school needs to ensure that all pupils, especially in Key Stage 2, have sufficient reading practice and that subject leaders monitor learning effectively to enhance retention of knowledge across all subjects. Overall, Parkfield Primary School is making commendable strides in providing a quality education and fostering a positive learning environment.