Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Whittington Primary School on 15 May 2018, following its previous judgment of good in October 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively managed significant staff changes over the past year, ensuring a smooth transition for pupils, parents, and staff. The commitment of leaders to providing a successful and memorable experience for pupils is evident, as is their focus on meeting the pastoral needs of students. Consequently, pupils are happy, well-behaved, and achieve good outcomes.
Parents and carers express strong support for the school, praising the opportunities available for their children, such as horse riding and educational visits. They appreciate the approachable staff who understand their children well and respond promptly to concerns. Staff members feel proud to be part of the school, benefiting from the support and encouragement of leaders, and agree that pupils are at the heart of the school's mission.
Pupils report positively about the care and support they receive, highlighting the welcoming environment for new students. They enjoy various extracurricular activities, including sports and educational trips, and take on responsibilities such as participating in the eco-council, which focuses on reducing plastic use in the school. The leadership team has addressed previous inspection recommendations by ensuring that teachers provide more challenging work and that pupils apply their literacy skills across the curriculum. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge and high expectations, effectively planning tasks to meet the needs of most pupils.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with thorough vetting and training for staff. All staff are well-informed about their responsibilities regarding child protection, and parents feel confident that their children are safe. Pupils also express a sense of security in school and are knowledgeable about safety issues, including internet safety.
The inspection identified that boys in the Reception Year are not achieving as well as girls. The early years leader has revised the curriculum to engage boys with topics of interest, leading to strong progress in writing skills. The behaviour system is consistently applied, promoting positive behaviour among children. The end of key stage two results indicate that pupils are well-prepared for the next stage of their education, with attainment above national averages in reading, writing, and mathematics.
The curriculum is broad and balanced, focusing on subject-specific skills and knowledge. Teachers track pupil progress effectively, ensuring an accurate understanding of each child's capabilities. While pupils generally apply their literacy skills well across subjects, leaders recognize the need to provide greater challenge for the most able pupils to deepen their knowledge.
Pupils develop a thorough understanding of British values through community engagement and local services. They participate in various activities that promote their personal development, ensuring they are well-rounded individuals ready for modern Britain. The leadership team has made significant improvements in the quality of writing instruction, although some pupils still require additional support to make sufficient progress. The school is committed to addressing these areas to enhance overall pupil achievement.