Willows Primary School is recognized as an outstanding educational institution, demonstrating exceptional performance across various aspects of its operations. The school has shown remarkable progress in the achievement of its pupils, particularly in the Early Years Foundation Stage, where children make rapid gains from low starting points. Pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2 also exhibit outstanding progress, with attainment levels significantly above those of pupils in other schools by the end of Year 6. The school effectively supports disabled pupils and those with special educational needs, ensuring they make excellent progress in reading, writing, and mathematics through tailored assistance.
The quality of teaching at Willows Primary is outstanding, characterized by high expectations and demanding activities that engage pupils. Teachers skillfully mark pupils' work, contributing to continuous improvement in standards. The curriculum is imaginatively designed, providing a wide range of learning opportunities that foster enjoyment and promote spiritual, moral, and social development. Pupils display positive attitudes towards learning and express immense enjoyment in their school experience. The inclusive values of the school create a safe environment where pupils behave exceptionally well.
Leadership and management at all levels, including governance, are outstanding. Leaders rigorously monitor teaching quality and its impact on pupil progress, setting ambitious improvement targets. They ensure that all aspects of the school's work positively influence learning and progress, leading to continuous improvement. The school is larger than average, with a majority of pupils being White British. The proportion of pupils eligible for the pupil premium is above average, and the school meets the current floor standard for pupil attainment and progress.
The inspection team observed 23 lessons and conducted joint observations with senior leaders. They engaged with pupils, parents, and various stakeholders to gather insights into the school's performance. The findings confirm that pupils' achievement is outstanding, with significant progress made in reading, writing, and mathematics across all year groups. The school encourages frequent reading, with younger pupils demonstrating strong phonetic skills and older pupils confidently discussing their favorite books and authors.
Teaching quality is consistently high, with well-planned lessons that consider pupils' previous learning. Teachers possess excellent subject knowledge and utilize focused questioning to challenge pupils effectively. Continuous assessment during lessons allows for immediate adjustments to teaching strategies, ensuring that pupils make outstanding progress. The school promotes communication skills and provides excellent opportunities for pupils' spiritual, moral, and cultural development through collaborative projects.
Pupils exhibit outstanding behavior and safety awareness, understanding how to assess risks and keep themselves safe. They feel secure and well-cared for, with high attendance rates attributed to collaborative efforts between the school and parents. The school environment is calm and orderly, with pupils demonstrating politeness and care towards one another.
The headteacher's motivational leadership, alongside effective governance, fosters a shared vision of excellence. Staff morale is high, and professional development opportunities enhance teaching quality. The curriculum is broad and balanced, offering a variety of extracurricular activities that contribute to pupils' overall development. Safeguarding procedures are robust, ensuring a safe learning environment for all pupils. The governors play a crucial role in supporting pupil achievement and have a thorough understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses, holding leaders accountable for performance. Overall, Willows Primary School exemplifies excellence in education, providing a nurturing and effective learning environment for its pupils.