Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of All Saints C of E Primary School on 21 September 2023, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection, rather than to provide an overall effectiveness grade. The inspection involved discussions with the headteacher, subject leaders, governors, local authority representatives, and members of two multi-academy trusts. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the school was also considered, alongside observations of phonics lessons and a review of various school documents.
The findings indicate that while progress has been made, further work is necessary for the school to achieve a good rating. The governing body has recently recruited three new governors with expertise in special educational needs and early years, which has strengthened the leadership team. Changes in subject leadership roles have allowed staff to utilize their experience effectively in developing the curriculum. The headteacher has prioritized the development of subjects across the curriculum, fostering collaboration among staff and utilizing external advisers to clarify the content that pupils will learn.
Leaders have made strides in creating informative learning resources that outline the smaller steps within each unit of work, aiding staff in their teaching. Training has been provided to ensure that staff are equipped to deliver the curriculum effectively. However, there is recognition that further alignment is needed between reading resources in phonics and the school’s chosen scheme. Additionally, the progression for writing genres requires clearer articulation to match the clarity seen in other subjects.
Governors are receiving clear information from the leadership team, which they are increasingly using to support and challenge school improvement actions. They have focused on budget management to ensure resources are allocated to the right priorities, including staff training. Although governors are developing methods to assess the impact of their actions, this work is still ongoing.
A collaborative culture has been established among leaders, promoting accountability in curriculum implementation. This collaboration is enhancing teachers’ subject knowledge and facilitating necessary curriculum adjustments. These efforts are contributing to improved pupil progress in learning. The leadership team has actively sought external support that aligns with the school’s priority areas, making informed decisions based on thorough reflection and evaluation. This targeted support has effectively driven improvements in educational quality and strengthened leadership throughout the school.
The inspection highlighted the importance of ongoing development in specific areas, particularly in ensuring that reading resources in phonics are closely aligned with the chosen scheme and that writing progression is clearly defined. The leadership team is aware of these areas for improvement and is committed to addressing them.
Overall, the monitoring inspection indicates that All Saints C of E Primary School is on a positive trajectory, with leaders making significant efforts to enhance the quality of education. The collaborative approach among staff and the proactive engagement of governors are contributing to a more effective learning environment. While there is still work to be done to achieve a good rating, the progress made thus far is encouraging. The school community is encouraged to continue building on these improvements, ensuring that all pupils receive the high-quality education they deserve. The findings from this inspection will be shared with relevant stakeholders, including the chair of the board of governors and the director of education for the Diocese of Lichfield, to ensure transparency and accountability in the school’s ongoing development. The letter summarizing these findings will also be published on the Ofsted reports website, providing further insight into the school’s progress and areas for continued focus.