Corbett VA CofE Primary School is recognized as a good school, providing a nurturing and supportive environment for its pupils. The school fosters warm and respectful relationships between staff and students, creating a community where children of all ages can play and learn together harmoniously. The school motto, love to learn and learn to love, is embodied by the pupils, who express pride in their school and appreciate the friendships they form. They feel safe and supported, knowing there is always an adult available to discuss any concerns. The pastoral care provided is highly valued by the students, contributing to the school's nurturing culture.
The leadership team is committed to the continuous improvement of the school, ensuring that the vision for development is shared among all stakeholders. Pupils are achieving well and acquiring the necessary knowledge to prepare them for future educational stages. Their behavior is commendable, with a focus on the new school rule of being ready, respectful, and safe, which minimizes disruptions during learning.
Parents have noted the recent changes within the school and appreciate the efforts made to communicate these developments. They recognize the school's journey towards improvement and express confidence in the leadership's direction. The school is emerging from a period of instability, with stable leadership now in place and positive changes underway. However, some staff members are still adjusting to the new initiatives, which has affected the pace of implementation.
The curriculum is thoughtfully designed for mixed-age classes, with a clear outline of essential knowledge that pupils are expected to learn and retain. The school has identified gaps in knowledge due to previous curriculum weaknesses and is actively addressing these issues. For instance, in geography, pupils demonstrate impressive knowledge of global farming and fair trade. In mathematics, connections between prior and new learning are effectively made, starting from the early years where foundational concepts are introduced through engaging activities.
A new phonics scheme has been introduced, although staffing instability has hindered its full implementation. There are currently insufficient checks to ensure the scheme is delivered as intended, which may impact some pupils' reading development. Nevertheless, pupils enjoy learning to read, and those who struggle receive timely support to help them catch up. Older students appreciate daily reading sessions with their teachers.
The school is inclusive, ensuring that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are fully integrated into school life. Their needs are quickly identified, and learning is adapted accordingly, allowing them to progress alongside their peers. Recent changes to the behavior policy have increased support for pupils struggling with self-management, resulting in a calm classroom environment and positive playtime experiences.
Pupils have access to various extracurricular activities, including clubs, trips, and leadership opportunities, which enhance their learning experience. They engage in democratic processes through school elections and participate in community events that foster empathy and social responsibility. The governing body is supportive of the leadership and has facilitated external assistance during this transition period, ensuring that the school receives the necessary guidance and challenge to improve.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with all staff trained to recognize their responsibilities. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly regarding training records and the organization of safeguarding meetings. The school is encouraged to address these minor issues promptly to strengthen its safeguarding framework. Overall, Corbett VA CofE Primary School continues to provide a good education, with a clear commitment to improvement and the well-being of its pupils.