Stafford Manor High School, located in Staffordshire, has recently undergone an inspection that highlighted several areas for improvement while acknowledging some strengths. The school is characterized as a caring and inclusive environment where staff are dedicated to the well-being of students and their families. Most pupils report feeling happy and safe, with effective support systems in place for addressing issues such as bullying, although some students feel that responses to bullying could be quicker.
The school has faced challenges following the COVID-19 pandemic, which impacted academic progress, behavior, and attendance. Leaders are committed to reversing this trend by increasing support for students and raising expectations across the board. While many students are responding positively to these expectations, there are still concerns regarding the behavior and attendance of some pupils.
Extra-curricular activities are a notable strength of the school, with a variety of clubs and trips available, which students enjoy and appreciate. The headteacher has made significant strides in improving the school since taking office, working closely with senior leaders and governors to identify strengths and areas needing attention. The curriculum is deemed suitable for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, and there is a broad and balanced approach to key stage three and four education.
Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge, and there is a focus on curriculum sequencing in some subjects. However, this consistency is not universal, leading to gaps in knowledge for some pupils. The sixth-form provision is recognized as good, offering students a well-rounded experience with support for their future educational and employment pathways.
Leaders have made efforts to identify and support pupils with special educational needs effectively, ensuring they can access the full curriculum. Reading initiatives are in place to address low reading ages among some students, which is positively impacting their vocabulary and fluency.
Despite the introduction of a new behavior policy aimed at fostering positive behavior, its inconsistent application by staff has led to ongoing challenges. While many students exhibit polite and respectful behavior, some still struggle to meet the raised expectations, resulting in occasional disruptions to learning. Attendance rates are improving but remain a concern, as high absence levels hinder student progress and access to opportunities.
The personal development curriculum covers a range of important topics, but inconsistent delivery has resulted in some pupils missing out on essential knowledge. Staff express pride in their work and feel supported by leadership, which takes their workload into account when planning improvements.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with a strong culture of safety and regular training for staff. Pupils are aware of how to seek help and feel confident in the support available to them.
To improve, the school needs to ensure that all subjects clearly define the knowledge pupils should learn and the order in which it is taught. There is a need for consistent application of the behavior policy and intensified efforts to reduce absence rates further. Additionally, the personal development curriculum should be delivered uniformly to ensure all pupils benefit from the full range of topics offered. Overall, while Stafford Manor High School has made progress, there are critical areas that require attention to enhance the educational experience for all students.