Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Benhall St Mary’s Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School on 21 November 2017, following its previous judgment of good in May 2013. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under Mrs. Katie Jenkins, has effectively sustained this quality, demonstrating strong and successful leadership. The self-evaluation and development plans are well-focused, addressing both strengths and areas for improvement. The school environment is safe and nurturing, allowing pupils to thrive and become confident members of the community. Parents express high satisfaction with the school, highlighting the positive impact of the teaching staff.
Since her appointment, Mrs. Jenkins has swiftly implemented changes to enhance the school’s assessment and tracking system, simplifying it to provide clearer insights into pupil progress. This has empowered staff to plan more effectively for their students’ needs. The governors are actively involved, providing a balance of challenge and support, and are committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve their potential.
Pupils at the school exhibit excellent behavior and a warm welcome to visitors. They engage positively in lessons and during playtime, demonstrating good social skills and moral values through leadership roles such as class representatives. The school’s focus on social, moral, and cultural development is evident in all aspects of its work. The interventions provided during enrichment sessions effectively support pupils who may be anxious or need to build confidence. While overall attendance has improved, efforts are ongoing to address the persistent absence of a few pupils.
In the 2017 national tests, key stage two pupils made impressive progress in reading and mathematics, exceeding the national average. However, writing remains an area for further development. The curriculum offers engaging learning opportunities, including cross-curricular topics and extracurricular activities. The leadership team is focused on continuous improvement, with plans to extend subject leadership beyond English and mathematics.
Safeguarding practices are robust, with regular staff training ensuring that all team members are vigilant regarding pupil safety. The school maintains thorough records and adheres to statutory requirements. Pupils feel safe and supported, with no reported instances of bullying during discussions. Parents have expressed strong approval of the caring environment fostered by the school.
The inspection findings indicate that while the school has made significant progress, there are areas that require continued focus. The leadership team is encouraged to ensure that pupils’ writing and mathematics skills improve across all year groups. Additionally, the development of subject leadership roles in areas beyond English and mathematics is essential. Strategies to enhance overall attendance and reduce persistent absence should remain a priority.
The inspection involved meetings with the headteacher, senior staff, governors, and a local authority representative. Observations of lessons and reviews of pupil work were conducted, alongside an analysis of safeguarding and self-evaluation documents. The views of parents and pupils were also considered, reflecting a positive perception of the school’s environment and educational quality.
In summary, Benhall St Mary’s Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School continues to provide a good quality of education, with strong leadership and a committed staff. The school is well-regarded by parents and pupils alike, and while there are areas for improvement, the foundation for ongoing success is firmly established. The commitment to enhancing writing and mathematics, alongside the development of subject leadership, will further strengthen the school’s educational offerings.