Kingswood Primary School, located in Lower Kingswood, Surrey, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on November 30 and December 1, 2021. The school is characterized by a welcoming and friendly atmosphere, where pupils express their enjoyment of attending. Students appreciate the positive demeanor of their teachers, which contributes to a strong sense of community. Parents also value the nurturing relationships between staff and pupils, highlighting the care and support provided to their children.
Pupils demonstrate enthusiasm for their learning and embrace the challenges presented by the school's ambitious curriculum. They particularly enjoy the various trips and experiences organized by teachers to enhance their education. For instance, a recent trip to Henley Fort sparked interest in the roles people played during the Second World War. The school fosters a culture of kindness and respect, with pupils forming strong friendships and reporting that bullying is rare. They have a unique way of addressing conflicts by using a talk bubble to communicate their concerns to teachers, who help resolve issues promptly.
The leadership at Kingswood Primary School has cultivated a collaborative environment where staff work effectively as a team. Teachers share their expertise and support one another, ensuring that the workload remains manageable. High expectations are set for all pupils, and staff are dedicated to providing the best possible education. The curriculum is varied and engaging, with careful planning in most subjects to ensure that pupils acquire essential knowledge and skills. However, some subjects, such as design and technology and French, require clearer definitions to help pupils retain prior learning and apply it to new concepts.
Teachers are knowledgeable and effectively explain important concepts using appropriate vocabulary. Most pupils develop a solid understanding of the material, confidently articulating their knowledge. In mathematics, for example, older pupils apply their understanding of multiplication and division to solve problems. Reading is prioritized, and pupils enjoy participating in the school's 100 book challenge. A new phonics scheme has been introduced, with staff trained to implement it effectively. However, there are instances where mistakes are not addressed quickly enough, and the matching of reading books to the phonics scheme is still a work in progress.
Staff are attentive to the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. They monitor progress closely and provide tailored support to help pupils catch up when necessary. The behavior of pupils is commendable, with children in the early years quickly adapting to school routines and developing positive attitudes toward learning. As they progress, pupils remain committed and eager to learn.
Pupils are educated on the importance of maintaining their physical and mental health, engaging in daily exercise and mindfulness sessions to manage stress and anxiety. They take pride in contributing to the school community, exemplified by the efforts of the eco committee in local litter-picking initiatives. The school's safeguarding measures are effective, with a strong emphasis on pupil welfare and well-being. Staff are trained to recognize signs of risk and act swiftly on any concerns raised.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement. Some subjects require more precise planning to enhance knowledge retention, and the implementation of the phonics scheme needs to be completed promptly. Overall, Kingswood Primary School continues to provide a supportive and enriching environment for its pupils, fostering a love for learning and personal growth.