Ashford CofE Primary School, located in Ashford, Surrey, underwent an inspection on September 19 and 20, 2023, and received an overall effectiveness rating of Good. The school has made significant improvements since its previous inspection, which rated it as Requires Improvement. The quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision were all rated as Good.
Pupils at Ashford CofE Primary School express pride in being part of a happy and inclusive community. New students and those in the early years receive a warm welcome, allowing them to settle into school life effectively. The school promotes values of kindness and respect, which are upheld by the students. Pupils actively participate in various leadership roles, such as running sports clubs and serving as house captains or members of the eco-team. They appreciate the diverse opportunities available to them, including educational trips to local libraries and art galleries that help nurture their interests and talents.
The relationships within the school are characterized by warmth and consideration. Pupils demonstrate good behavior and navigate the school environment sensibly. They feel supported by the adults in the school, who encourage them to share any concerns through various channels, including the ‘I wish my teacher knew’ boxes. This trust fosters a safe environment where pupils are eager to learn and strive to meet high expectations set by the school.
Since the last inspection, the school has implemented a well-structured and ambitious curriculum across all subjects. This curriculum clearly outlines the essential knowledge and skills that pupils need to acquire. In most subjects, there is a thoughtful progression from early years through to the end of key stage two, enabling pupils to learn effectively and achieve commendable results. This includes support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they receive tailored care and adaptations in lessons to facilitate their learning alongside their peers.
The school has also focused on enhancing the knowledge and skills of its teaching staff across various subjects. However, some subjects are still relatively new, and pupils may not always retain their learning as confidently as intended. This can hinder their ability to apply knowledge to new concepts. Additionally, there are instances where teachers do not effectively assess what pupils know and remember, which can limit the depth of understanding across all subjects.
Reading is prioritized at Ashford CofE Primary School, with children beginning their reading journey in Reception. Staff consistently teach daily phonics, which helps pupils become enthusiastic and confident readers. Those who struggle with reading receive ample support to keep pace with their peers. The school fosters a love of reading, ensuring pupils have access to a variety of stories and books, which encourages them to engage in discussions about their reading experiences.
Pupils exhibit excellent behavior and show respect for their peers and adults. Lessons are calm and focused, with a clear understanding of the behavior policy among students. The youngest children in Reception quickly learn school routines, and additional support is provided to those who may struggle with communication.
The school maintains strong relationships with families and has made efforts to support pupils with irregular attendance. While some progress has been made in reducing absences, a small number of pupils still attend less frequently than necessary, which affects their learning. The school recognizes the importance of continuing to enhance attendance efforts to ensure all pupils benefit from their education.
Personal development and well-being are actively promoted within the school, with a deliberate focus on providing enrichment opportunities. Fundamental British values are integrated into the school culture, encouraging pupils to respect one another and celebrate diversity. Governors play a supportive role in the school’s mission to help pupils achieve their best, providing both challenge and support. Staff feel valued and appreciated for their contributions, and parents express positive sentiments regarding the changes implemented at the school.
The safeguarding arrangements at Ashford CofE Primary School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The school is aware of areas for improvement, particularly in the consistent implementation of the curriculum in some foundation subjects and the need to enhance attendance for certain pupils. The school is committed to monitoring and improving these aspects to secure the best outcomes for all students.