Caterham Preparatory School, located in a picturesque wooded valley, offers a comprehensive and nurturing educational environment for children aged three to eleven. The school is co-educational and follows a United Reformed Church ethos, providing a day boarding option for its pupils. With a strong emphasis on outdoor learning, the school takes full advantage of its 200 acres of ancient woodland, encouraging students to engage with nature through activities such as tree replanting and outdoor measurements.
The school’s intake at 4+ is comprehensive in philosophy, although it is oversubscribed, and pre-schoolers are assessed to ensure readiness. The pre-prep head emphasises the potential seen in every young child, fostering a humane and supportive atmosphere. The exit strategy is robust, with the vast majority of students progressing to the senior school, which is increasingly academically selective. Discussions about future schools begin in year 4, ensuring that families are well-prepared for the transition. The school recognises the competitive landscape of senior schools in the area and works diligently to retain its students.
Caterham Preparatory School is set in a rural and self-contained environment, despite its proximity to the town. The tidy red-brick buildings overlook courts, playing fields, and the expansive woodland, creating a sense of progression as students move through the school. The newly refurbished sports hall and pool, along with opportunities to play on the hallowed turf of Home Fields, provide excellent facilities for physical education.
Teaching and learning at the school have evolved significantly, adopting a modern and relevant approach that encourages students to understand themselves as learners and take ownership of their progress. The use of whiteboard tables allows for a more interactive and engaging learning experience, while the global curriculum combines History, Geography, and Religious Studies to explore big questions. Classrooms are vibrant and inviting, with pupil work displayed prominently, creating a joyful and stimulating environment.
The school is proud of its support for special educational needs (SEN), with a fully qualified educational psychologist as the Head of Learning Support. Regular visits from occupational and speech and language therapists ensure that students receive the support they need. The school’s commitment to neurodiversity is evident, with some students requiring ongoing support and others being successfully discharged after their needs are met.
Pastoral care at the school is well-coordinated, with a focus on wellbeing. The staff includes trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants, and the school has been recognised with a Children’s Bureau Wellbeing Award. The approachable nature of the teachers makes it easy for students to settle, and the gentle sanctions system encourages reflection and learning from mistakes.
Digital innovation is a significant aspect of the school’s approach, with each student having access to an iPad. The dedicated flexible teaching space facilitates collaborative, hands-on learning, and the use of technology is integrated meaningfully into the curriculum. Pupils engage in activities such as programming robots and creating AI artwork, developing critical thinking skills and resilience.
Sport is an integral part of school life, with fixtures every Wednesday and a variety of sports offered, including rugby, netball, football, swimming, and hockey. The house system encourages healthy competition, with events like the house dance-off being a highlight.
The pre-prep section is self-contained, with a focus on allowing children to be children and not tracking them too rigorously. The head of pre-prep brings a gentle and holistic approach, encouraging young students to explore and develop their learning superpowers.
The school’s natural catchment area has expanded, with many parents being professionals who have moved from London in search of fresh air. The school’s presence in the community has grown through the East Surrey Learning Partnership, sharing resources and expertise with local primary schools.
The relationship with the senior school is closer than ever, supported by a strong working friendship between the respective heads. The parents’ association is active throughout the school, fostering a sense of community and involvement.
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