Ofsted conducted a short inspection of North Mundham Primary School on 23 January 2019, following its previous judgment of good in February 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, including the headteacher and senior leaders, has fostered an environment where pupils are happy and eager to learn. A strong sense of community is evident, characterized by mutual respect and support among staff and pupils. The school’s ethos, known as the ‘Mundham Way,’ emphasizes the values of belonging, believing, and achieving, which are reflected throughout the school.
Pupils learn in a calm and orderly environment, with well-maintained facilities and enriching displays that enhance their learning experience. During classroom visits, the atmosphere was purposeful, with pupils demonstrating diligence and cooperation. Consistent routines contribute to pupils' confidence, allowing them to explore their learning in a supportive setting. Feedback from parents and staff through Ofsted’s online questionnaires was overwhelmingly positive, with many parents expressing appreciation for the care their children receive and the approachability of the staff.
The leadership team is aware of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement. Their self-evaluation is accurate and leads to a focused development plan that includes specific priorities for improvement. Governors are actively involved, conducting regular visits to monitor the implementation of these plans. However, there is a need for monitoring to better assess the impact of actions on pupils’ progress, shifting the focus from teacher activities to student learning outcomes.
The school has effectively addressed previous inspection recommendations, particularly in enhancing the quality of teaching and increasing pupil progress in reading and writing. Strategies implemented have led to improved outcomes, with a notable rise in the proportion of Year 1 pupils meeting the expected standard in phonics. Writing attainment has also improved, with more pupils achieving expected standards at the end of key stages 1 and 2. Despite these successes, leaders recognize that mathematics achievement is an area requiring further attention, as progress has lagged behind national averages. New approaches to teaching mathematics are being introduced, aimed at improving recall and providing greater challenges for pupils.
While there are positive signs of improvement in mathematics, the quality of work across other subjects is variable. Pupils do not consistently demonstrate their understanding using subject-specific vocabulary, and assessment of progress in non-core subjects needs further development. Safeguarding measures are effective, with a strong culture of safety evident throughout the school. Staff are well-trained and vigilant, ensuring that pupils feel safe and supported.
The inspection highlighted the need for the school to enhance mathematics progress by the end of key stage 2, develop a well-sequenced curriculum across subjects, and improve monitoring and evaluation processes to focus on the impact of actions on pupil progress. Overall, North Mundham Primary School continues to provide a good education, with a committed leadership team and supportive community working towards ongoing improvement.