Warnham CofE Primary School, located in West Sussex, has undergone significant improvements since its last inspection, moving from a status of requiring improvement to being rated as good overall. The leadership and management of the school have effectively addressed previous weaknesses, focusing on enhancing the quality of education and pupil outcomes. The governing body has been actively involved in supporting and challenging the school, ensuring that they understand their roles and the priorities for further improvement.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is also rated as good. Teachers are well-prepared and utilize effective strategies to build students' understanding and skills over time. The curriculum is designed to be engaging and appropriately challenging, allowing pupils to make strong progress, particularly in the early years and key stage one. However, there are areas for further development, particularly in writing and scientific investigation skills at key stage two. The school has recognized the need for pupils to apply their knowledge of grammar, punctuation, and spelling more consistently in their writing and to enhance their scientific inquiry skills.
Pupils' personal development, behavior, and welfare are also rated as good. The school fosters a positive learning environment where pupils feel safe and supported. They demonstrate good behavior and have positive attitudes towards learning, which is reinforced by strong relationships with their teachers. The school emphasizes the importance of being effective learners, and pupils are encouraged to work collaboratively and support one another.
The outcomes for pupils have shown marked improvement, with attainment levels at the end of key stages one and two being above national averages in several areas, particularly in reading and mathematics. The school has successfully addressed a legacy of underachievement, particularly in key stage two, where many pupils are now achieving expected standards. However, writing remains an area that requires further attention, as some pupils still struggle with the application of their writing skills.
The early years provision is outstanding, characterized by a rich learning environment led by an experienced teacher. Children in the early years make exceptional progress, developing strong literacy and numeracy skills through a combination of adult-led and child-initiated activities. The school has established effective partnerships with parents, involving them in their children's learning and providing opportunities for them to support their children's development at home.
Overall, Warnham CofE Primary School has made significant strides in improving its educational offerings and outcomes for pupils. The leadership team is committed to continuous improvement, and the school community is engaged in fostering a positive and nurturing environment for all students. The focus on high expectations, effective teaching practices, and a broad curriculum ensures that pupils are well-prepared for their future educational journeys. The school is well-positioned to continue its trajectory of improvement, with clear strategies in place to address the remaining areas for development.