Monkton Park Primary School, located in Chippenham, Wiltshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection from February 5 to 6, 2020. The school offers a rich and engaging curriculum that pupils find enjoyable and stimulating. Students are motivated to work hard and achieve well, largely due to the high expectations set by their teachers and school leaders. The positive relationships between staff and pupils contribute to a supportive environment where students feel happy and safe. Regular attendance is a testament to the pupils' enjoyment of school life, and they appreciate the caring nature of the staff who prioritize their well-being.
The school fosters a culture of responsibility among pupils, which helps to minimize instances of poor behavior and bullying. The staff's approach to rewarding and praising students, such as through initiatives like hot chocolate Fridays, enhances the overall school experience. Pupils are described as friendly, polite, and welcoming, and they actively participate in various extracurricular activities, including clubs and performances. Parents express high levels of satisfaction with the school, often highlighting the approachability of the staff and the positive development of their children.
Leadership at Monkton Park Primary School is strong, with the headteacher and governing body dedicated to ensuring that pupils receive a high-quality education across a range of subjects. The curriculum is ambitious, and recent changes to the school timetable have allowed for deeper learning in various subjects. Teachers utilize their subject knowledge effectively to help pupils grasp essential facts and vocabulary. The school has made thoughtful decisions regarding the knowledge pupils should acquire and the timing of this learning, resulting in a cohesive educational experience.
In the early years, the curriculum is tailored to meet children's needs, allowing them to experience success from the outset. The emphasis on reading is evident, with skilled teachers providing phonics instruction and regular reading opportunities. This focus has led to pupils becoming confident readers who are inspired to read for pleasure. The school also identifies pupils at risk of falling behind and provides appropriate support to help them catch up, ensuring that those with special educational needs receive the necessary assistance.
While the school excels in many areas, there are opportunities for improvement. Leaders are working to enhance their understanding of how well the curriculum is implemented in certain foundation subjects, such as physical education and history. Some subject leaders are new to their roles and require further training and support to effectively evaluate the impact of their subjects on pupil learning. Additionally, leaders need to develop a more comprehensive overview of the depth of knowledge pupils gain in subjects beyond reading, writing, and mathematics.
The safeguarding arrangements at Monkton Park Primary School are effective, with thorough procedures in place to ensure the safety of all pupils. Staff receive training to understand how to keep children safe, and there are clear protocols for referring concerns. Pupils are educated on how to stay safe, including online safety practices.
Overall, Monkton Park Primary School continues to provide a good education, with a strong emphasis on pupil well-being and academic achievement. The school is committed to ongoing improvement and development, ensuring that it meets the needs of all its pupils while fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment.