Ofsted conducted a short inspection of The Grove Primary School on 20 November 2018, following its previous judgment of good in January 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under Mrs. Wilkins, has demonstrated a strong commitment to ensuring that all pupils receive the best possible education. The staff morale is high, attributed to the support they receive and the consideration of their workload when implementing new initiatives.
The leadership team has set high expectations for pupil achievement and has worked diligently to implement necessary changes within the school. They possess a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement. The governing body is actively involved, monitoring the school’s progress and supporting its priorities, which has contributed to ongoing improvements.
The school has successfully addressed previous recommendations to enhance teaching quality and raise achievement levels. Teachers are equipped with the necessary resources to deliver effective lessons, and there is a consistent application of the school’s feedback policy. Strong middle leadership has played a crucial role in improving the teaching of mathematics, leading to better pupil outcomes in this subject. The school has introduced new resources that challenge pupils, particularly the more able ones, resulting in an increase in the number of pupils meeting expected standards in mathematics.
Safeguarding practices at the school are robust, with a strong culture of safety prioritized by the leadership, staff, and governors. Regular training ensures that staff are well-prepared to address any concerns regarding pupil safety. The school has effective systems in place for monitoring the welfare of vulnerable pupils, and the family liaison worker provides timely support to families in need.
During the inspection, specific lines of inquiry were established, focusing on the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in reading and writing, the effectiveness of teaching in supporting writing, and the identification of the most able children in Reception. While there has been progress in supporting disadvantaged pupils, challenges remain, particularly in reading and writing. The school has appointed a deputy headteacher to champion the needs of disadvantaged pupils, and tailored support is being provided to help them achieve better outcomes.
The inspection also highlighted that middle-prior-attaining writers in key stage two are not achieving to their full potential. Although there have been improvements in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, consistency across the school is lacking. The school is aware of the need to provide more opportunities for pupils to write at length and apply their language skills effectively.
Concerns were raised regarding the identification and challenge of the most able children in Reception, particularly in mathematics. Teachers are beginning to address this issue, but further work is needed to ensure that these children are adequately challenged from the outset.
Pupil behavior is generally good, with a clear understanding of expectations. However, exclusions are above the national average, and some parents have expressed concerns about bullying. The school is committed to reducing exclusions and has implemented effective pastoral support to address behavioral issues. Attendance has improved due to the school’s focus on regular attendance and support for families.
In summary, The Grove Primary School continues to provide a good quality of education, with strong leadership and a commitment to improvement. While there are areas that require further attention, particularly in writing and the challenge of the most able pupils, the school is making significant strides in supporting all learners. The next steps involve enhancing writing opportunities for pupils and ensuring accurate assessments in Reception to better challenge the most able in mathematics.