Princecroft Primary School, located in Warminster, Wiltshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on December 13 and 14, 2023. The school is characterized by a strong sense of community and a commitment to its core values of achieve, respect, and believe. Pupils express pride in their school, noting that it is a happy place where they feel safe and supported. The behavior of the students is commendable, with high expectations set for politeness and respect towards one another and visitors. The school environment is calm and conducive to learning, with pupils eager to engage in their education.
The relationships between staff and pupils are robust, fostering trust and open communication. This is exemplified by the daily family lunch, which encourages social interaction and support among students of different ages. Older pupils take on leadership roles by assisting younger students during lunch, reinforcing a culture of helping one another. The school offers a diverse range of extracurricular activities, enhancing the educational experience and promoting curiosity about the world.
The curriculum at Princecroft Primary School is broad and ambitious, designed with consideration for the local context. Staff members are well-equipped to deliver the curriculum effectively, ensuring that all pupils are challenged and supported. The school emphasizes the importance of assessment to identify gaps in knowledge, particularly in phonics and mathematics, allowing for timely interventions. However, there are areas for improvement, particularly in some foundation subjects where assessment practices could be more precise to ensure all pupils retain knowledge effectively.
Reading is a priority, with early exposure to nursery rhymes and stories in the early years. Children begin reading as soon as they start school, with a strong focus on phonics. Staff receive training to teach phonics effectively, and assessments are used to monitor progress, ensuring that pupils who may fall behind receive the necessary support to catch up. The school also promotes understanding of diversity and global issues through carefully selected reading materials.
Support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is a strong aspect of the school’s provision. Staff are knowledgeable about individual needs, and learning is adapted accordingly, allowing these pupils to progress alongside their peers. The school fosters an inclusive environment where respect for different beliefs and backgrounds is emphasized. Pupils learn about safety in the community, including online safety, and appreciate the enrichment opportunities that extend beyond the academic curriculum.
Leadership opportunities for pupils are meaningful, such as the establishment of the eco-council, which focuses on environmental initiatives. The school also prioritizes the well-being of its students, offering strong pastoral support for their physical and mental health. Staff development is valued, contributing to high morale and effective curriculum implementation.
The safeguarding arrangements at Princecroft Primary School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The inspection highlighted the need for continued focus on assessment practices in foundation subjects to address any gaps in knowledge. Overall, Princecroft Primary School continues to provide a good education, fostering a supportive and enriching environment for its pupils.