Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Newtown Community Primary School on 4 October 2018, following its previous judgment of good in March 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under the guidance of Headteacher Chris Marshall, has shown determination and purpose in improving the school since 2015. After identifying concerns regarding educational quality, the leadership commissioned a local authority review, which validated their concerns. As a result, significant improvements have been made in teaching and behavior, leading to increased pupil achievement in writing and mathematics, although reading achievement still requires attention.
The leadership structure has been strengthened, with shared responsibilities among staff who lead confidently due to appropriate training and trust from the headteacher. High expectations are evident in the rigorous appraisal system, which contributes to the improvement of teaching quality. The positive behavior of pupils and the orderly learning environment reflect these high standards. Governors play a supportive role, frequently visiting the school and asking insightful questions about pupil achievement, which helps hold leaders accountable.
The local authority has also contributed to the school's improvement by providing honest evaluations that have guided the leadership. There is a strong sense of unity among staff, who are committed to the school's goals and apply consistent systems and procedures. Staff morale is high, and pupils report that teachers are positive and supportive.
The inspection focused on safeguarding effectiveness and the actions taken to improve reading achievement. Safeguarding measures are robust, with staff trained to recognize and respond to child protection concerns. Records are meticulously maintained, and checks on staff suitability are thorough. Pupils reported a decrease in bullying and improved behavior, indicating effective management of such issues.
The school has made notable progress in raising achievement in English and mathematics since the last inspection. Writing and mathematics have improved, particularly due to targeted efforts to address spelling and punctuation. Reading has also seen improvements, especially in the lower school, but further work is needed in key stage two. The teaching of phonics has been successfully implemented, leading to above-average results in the national phonics check.
Leaders are now focusing on enhancing reading in key stage two, providing new texts that engage pupils and matching them to their abilities. However, there is a need to ensure that the most able pupils are consistently challenged in their reading. Attendance remains a challenge, with efforts underway to improve it through closer relationships with parents. Although attendance figures are still below average, there has been a slight improvement, and persistent absence has decreased significantly.
Exclusions have also fallen due to improved behavior, supported by a clear behavior policy that establishes consistent expectations. Pupils demonstrate respect and kindness, contributing to a positive school atmosphere. The next steps for the school include continuing to raise reading achievement in key stage two and ensuring that the most able pupils are sufficiently challenged across all reading activities.