Cherhill C of E School, located in Calne, Wiltshire, has recently undergone an inspection that highlights its overall effectiveness as good. The inspection took place on February 27 and 28, 2024, and the school has maintained a good rating since its previous inspection in July 2018. The quality of education provided is also rated as good, with outstanding behavior and attitudes observed among pupils. Personal development and leadership and management are both rated as good, while early years provision stands out as outstanding.
The school promotes values such as honesty, empathy, and respect, which are evident in the positive culture established by the staff. High expectations are set for pupils, who demonstrate curiosity and a strong desire to learn. In the early years, children exhibit exceptional behavior, taking turns and following instructions effectively. Pupils consistently adhere to school rules and display politeness and consideration towards one another. The relationships between staff and pupils are characterized by respect, fostering an environment where pupils feel valued and safe. They express enjoyment in attending school, describing it as a friendly place where they can seek support from trusted adults.
Cherhill C of E School offers a broad and ambitious curriculum that caters to the diverse needs of its pupils. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed to ensure that essential knowledge is taught in a logical sequence. For instance, in mathematics, Reception children effectively learn to add and subtract, with a strong emphasis on mathematical vocabulary from an early age. Assessment practices are generally effective, particularly in mathematics, where gaps in knowledge are identified. However, there are areas where assessment could be improved to prevent gaps in learning from hindering pupil progression.
The early years provision is exceptional, with well-trained staff supporting children's language development and creating opportunities for speech and vocabulary enhancement. Children begin learning to read as soon as they start school, with regular phonics practice ensuring rapid progress. Across the school, pupils develop a love for reading, which contributes to their fluency.
The school effectively supports pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, identifying their needs early and providing appropriate adaptations to ensure they learn alongside their peers. The exemplary conduct of pupils begins in Reception, where they learn to develop friendships and share. As they progress, older pupils act as role models, contributing positively to the school community.
Cherhill C of E School prioritizes the wider development of its pupils, encouraging participation in local events and fostering a sense of pride in their community. The curriculum incorporates fundamental British values, although there is room for improvement in enhancing pupils' understanding of cultures beyond their own community.
The governing body is well-informed about the school's strengths and areas for development, and staff appreciate the focus on their well-being. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils.
To improve, the school should enhance the precision of assessment in certain subjects to better capture pupils' knowledge and address any gaps. Additionally, there is a need to develop a more comprehensive understanding of different cultures within the curriculum. Overall, Cherhill C of E School demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education and fostering a supportive and enriching environment for its pupils.