Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of St Martin’s C of E Voluntary Aided Primary School on November 29 and 30, 2023, following the school's previous grading that required special measures in January 2023. The purpose of this inspection was to assess the progress made by the school since the last inspection, rather than to provide an overall effectiveness grade. The inspection involved discussions with the headteacher, governors, and staff, as well as classroom visits and reviews of planning documents.
The findings indicate that while progress has been made, further work is necessary for the school to be removed from special measures. The school has appointed a new deputy headteacher and has made arrangements to improve the provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. The focus of this monitoring visit was on the implementation of improvement plans and the accountability of governors in overseeing these changes.
The school has prioritized enhancing the quality of education, with efforts underway to establish a broad and ambitious curriculum. However, it is too early to assess the impact of these changes. The school has raised its expectations regarding the speed and success of pupils learning to read, ensuring access to high-quality resources for early reading instruction. Initial assessments have been made to identify gaps in pupils' phonics knowledge, and staff have begun receiving professional development to improve phonics teaching. Despite these efforts, the improvements in the early reading curriculum are still in the early stages, and the intended impact on pupils has yet to be fully realized.
The school is committed to meeting the needs of all pupils, particularly those with special educational needs and those requiring support with language and communication. It is beginning to assess pupils' needs more accurately and is involving parents in the planning and review of support. This approach is starting to ensure that pupils' needs are identified effectively and is informing adaptations to teaching.
Governors have started to hold school leaders accountable for their actions and priorities, particularly regarding attendance. The school has implemented effective systems to improve attendance and reduce absence, with governors maintaining oversight of these efforts. However, there is a need for governors to hold leaders more rigorously accountable for improvements in the quality of education. They currently lack sufficient insight into the impact of the curriculum, which hinders their ability to ensure that improvements are being made effectively and promptly.
In summary, while St Martin’s C of E Voluntary Aided Primary School has made some progress since the last inspection, significant work remains to be done. The school is on a path toward improvement, with new leadership and a focus on enhancing educational quality. However, the effectiveness of these changes will require ongoing evaluation and support to ensure that the school can ultimately be removed from special measures. The next steps will involve continued efforts to strengthen the curriculum, improve early reading instruction, and enhance accountability among governors to ensure that the school meets the needs of all its pupils effectively.