Ofsted conducted a monitoring inspection of Alderbury and West Grimstead Church of England Primary School on 4 October 2022, following two successive judgments of requires improvement. The inspection aimed to assess the progress made by the school since its last graded inspection. The inspection team engaged with the headteacher, staff, governors, and local authority representatives to discuss the actions taken to improve the school. They also observed lessons, met with a group of pupils, and reviewed curriculum documents and the school development plan.
The findings indicate that while the school continues to require improvement, there has been some progress made by the leadership team. The headteacher and staff are actively working to address the weaknesses identified in previous inspections. A new approach to teaching mathematics has been introduced, which is showing positive results. The curriculum has been better sequenced, allowing pupils to build their knowledge incrementally and deepen their understanding. However, the school has been slower to enhance its phonics instruction, resulting in some pupils needing to catch up on learning essential non-decodable key words. Despite this, additional support for pupils struggling with reading has been maintained, leading to improvements in their reading accuracy and fluency over time.
In subjects beyond English and mathematics, the school is implementing a new school-wide curriculum. Although the rollout of this curriculum was initially slow, largely due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, all staff have now received training. Staff are working collaboratively to implement the new curriculum, and pupils have responded positively to the changes. The new curriculum raises expectations for pupils, as it includes more knowledge for them to learn. However, inconsistencies remain in staff expectations regarding what pupils should know and be able to do. The leadership's efforts to monitor the implementation of the curriculum across all subjects are not yet sufficiently robust.
The school has experienced several staff changes since the previous inspection, with two teaching staff leaving in August 2022 and three new staff members starting in September 2022. The headteacher and staff are steadily addressing the weaknesses identified in the previous inspection. They are utilizing a variety of external support to enhance their subject knowledge and support curriculum development. Recently, senior leaders have benefited from external assistance from the local authority, which has helped them develop their skills and knowledge to lead strategically and improve the quality of education provided to pupils.
The inspection highlighted the need for the school to take further action to ensure that the wider curriculum is implemented consistently across all subjects. Additionally, there is a need to continue building leaders' skills and knowledge to drive school improvement at a faster pace. The leadership team is encouraged to strengthen their monitoring processes to ensure that staff are effectively implementing the curriculum and maintaining high expectations for all pupils.
Overall, while Alderbury and West Grimstead Church of England Primary School has made some progress since the last inspection, there is still work to be done to achieve a good standard. The leadership team is committed to improving the school, and with continued focus on curriculum implementation and staff development, there is potential for further positive change. The school community is encouraged to remain engaged in the improvement process, ensuring that all pupils receive a high-quality education that meets their needs and prepares them for future success. The ongoing support from the local authority and collaboration among staff will be crucial in driving the necessary improvements and achieving the desired outcomes for all pupils.