Weddington Primary School, located in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, has undergone significant improvements since its last inspection in 2016, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The recent inspection in April 2019 has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good. The leadership team, including the headteacher and deputy headteacher, has demonstrated a clear vision and commitment to enhancing the quality of education. They have successfully balanced high expectations with the necessary support for both staff and pupils, leading to improved teaching quality and good progress among students.
The governing body plays an active role in the school’s development, providing effective support and challenge to the leadership team. They have a comprehensive understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement, which allows them to contribute meaningfully to the school’s strategic direction. The integration of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) into the mainstream school environment has been a priority, with leaders ensuring that these pupils are valued and respected within the school community.
The curriculum offered at Weddington Primary is broad, engaging, and well-planned, enabling pupils to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge across various subjects. The teaching of phonics has been particularly effective, resulting in all groups of pupils making good progress in their reading skills. Teachers receive valuable training and support, which enhances their teaching practices. However, there are still areas for improvement, particularly in challenging the most able pupils to reach their full potential and in developing the leadership of mathematics to ensure consistent opportunities for reasoning and application of skills.
In the early years, children benefit from a stimulating and well-organized environment that promotes strong progress across all areas of learning. The school has implemented effective transition programs that help children adapt quickly to their new setting, fostering positive relationships with both adults and peers. The focus on personal development is evident, with pupils taking on various responsibilities and engaging in leadership roles within the school.
Pupils’ behavior is commendable, characterized by politeness, friendliness, and a willingness to engage with visitors. They demonstrate a strong sense of pride in their work and achievements. The school has established a culture of safeguarding, ensuring that pupils feel safe and secure in their environment. The curriculum includes important lessons on e-safety and personal safety, equipping pupils with the knowledge they need to navigate potential risks.
Outcomes for pupils are good, with a significant increase in the proportion of pupils achieving the expected standard in phonics and strong progress in reading, writing, and mathematics. The school’s focus on vocabulary development has proven successful, as pupils are able to articulate their thoughts and understanding effectively. Disadvantaged pupils also make good progress, demonstrating that the school is committed to ensuring equity in educational outcomes.
Overall, Weddington Primary School has made substantial strides in improving its educational offerings and fostering a positive learning environment. The leadership team’s dedication, combined with the support of the governing body and the commitment of the staff, has resulted in a school that is well-equipped to meet the needs of its pupils and prepare them for future success. The school is on a positive trajectory, with clear plans for continued improvement in teaching and learning, particularly in mathematics and the support for pupils with SEND.