Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Middle Park Primary School on 30 April 2019, following its previous judgment of good in May 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, along with a knowledgeable governing body, has a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement. This understanding has enabled them to implement effective strategies that have positively impacted pupils’ outcomes. The school has seen a consistent proportion of pupils achieving expected and higher standards in reading, writing, and mathematics, which aligns with or exceeds national averages.
Parents and carers express high levels of satisfaction with the school and its leadership. Pupils report enjoying their time at school and appreciate the diverse experiences provided. Staff feedback indicates that senior leaders are supportive and offer guidance that enhances teaching quality. Opportunities for professional development are abundant, fostering a culture where all staff are encouraged to take on leadership roles. The school has focused on developing lead practitioners responsible for key curriculum areas, which has strengthened leadership capacity.
Safeguarding practices at the school are effective, with a strong culture of safety and vigilance. The leadership team has established robust safeguarding policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with statutory requirements. Staff receive regular training and understand how to respond to concerns. The school maintains well-organized records that demonstrate a proactive approach to safeguarding, with regular meetings to review compliance and address any issues.
The curriculum promotes awareness of personal safety, and pupils are knowledgeable about how the school keeps them safe, including online safety. They feel that behavior is generally good, and incidents of bullying are rare. The school’s systems for promoting positive behavior are effective, as reflected in parent feedback.
During the inspection, three key lines of inquiry were explored. The first focused on improving attendance, particularly for persistently absent pupils. While overall attendance is improving, it remains slightly below the national average, and leaders are committed to addressing this issue through various strategies, including home visits and rewards for improved attendance.
The second inquiry examined the progress of the most able pupils in reading. The leadership of reading is effective, with staff receiving professional development to enhance their teaching practices. Pupils are motivated readers, engaging with a variety of texts. However, there is a need for more consistent questioning techniques to challenge pupils in applying their vocabulary and understanding complex texts.
The final inquiry assessed the impact of recent curriculum changes on pupil outcomes. Observations indicated that pupils are willing to tackle challenges and demonstrate strong collaborative learning skills. Their speaking abilities are well-developed, allowing them to express views and engage in discussions confidently. However, there is a need for teachers to accurately check prior knowledge to ensure that all pupils are appropriately challenged and supported in their learning.
Next steps for the school include ensuring that teachers effectively assess pupils’ prior knowledge to avoid repetition of learning and to support all pupils in making progress. Additionally, initiatives aimed at improving attendance and reducing persistent absenteeism should continue to be embedded to support regular school attendance for all pupils. The inspection findings highlight the school’s strengths while also identifying areas for further development to enhance the educational experience for all students.