Harlands Primary School, located in Uckfield, East Sussex, has been recognized for its effective educational practices during an inspection conducted on October 8 and 9, 2024. The school has successfully maintained the high standards established in its previous inspection, which rated it as good for overall effectiveness. The environment at Harlands Primary is one where pupils thrive, feeling safe and happy due to the supportive care provided by the staff. The school emphasizes clear routines, particularly in the early years, fostering attentive listening and respectful interactions among pupils. A restorative approach has been implemented to address behavioral issues, allowing students to reflect on their actions and consider improvements.
The curriculum at Harlands Primary is broad and enriching, ensuring that pupils achieve academically while also promoting personal growth and development. The school offers a wide range of trips, visits, and experiences that enhance the learning process. Health and well-being are prioritized, with ample opportunities for physical activity integrated into the daily schedule. The school provides effective support for pupils needing additional help with their well-being, creating an environment where most students are eager to attend.
The school has made significant strides in redeveloping its curriculum to enhance learning across various subjects. Pupils are engaged and enthusiastic about their education, particularly in early reading, where a structured approach is in place. Nursery children are introduced to sounds in their environment, preparing them for more formal reading instruction in Reception. Teachers are well-trained in effective reading instruction, ensuring that pupils receive the necessary support to develop fluency and confidence in their reading skills.
While the school has demonstrated strong performance in many areas, it has identified writing as a subject where pupils have historically underperformed compared to other subjects. To address this, a new approach to writing instruction has been introduced, and early indicators suggest that this initiative is positively impacting pupils' writing achievements. Additionally, the school has effective systems for identifying pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). However, there is a need for more consistent adaptation of the curriculum to meet the diverse needs of these pupils, as some may struggle with overly complex tasks too soon.
The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including cookery lessons and forest school, which enrich the academic experience. Engagement with the local community is strong, with pupils participating in projects that showcase their work, such as artwork displayed in local allotments. Sporting competitions are inclusive, ensuring that all pupils can participate and benefit from these opportunities.
Leadership at Harlands Primary is collaborative, with school leaders and governors working together to provide a high-quality education. Staff feel well-supported and valued in their roles, contributing to a positive school culture. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, ensuring that pupils are protected and their well-being is prioritized.
To improve further, the school must ensure that the curriculum is consistently adapted to meet the needs of all pupils, particularly those with SEND. This will help prevent students from being moved on to new learning before they have fully grasped previous concepts. Overall, Harlands Primary School is committed to providing an excellent educational experience for its pupils, with a focus on continuous improvement and community engagement.