St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School in Wigan has been recognized as a good school following its recent inspection. The school fosters an environment where pupils are encouraged to be aspirational and respectful, contributing positively to their local community. Staff members are well-acquainted with the pupils and their families, providing timely support to ensure that students feel happy and enjoy their school experience. The school sets high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, which motivates them to engage actively in lessons and achieve well across various subjects.
Pupils demonstrate commendable behavior and adhere to school rules and routines. The establishment of clear routines, particularly for early years, facilitates a smooth transition into school life. Leadership roles are embraced by pupils, enhancing their school experience. For instance, digital leaders conduct assemblies to educate peers about online safety, showcasing their involvement in the school community.
The curriculum at St Cuthbert’s is comprehensive and ambitious, thoughtfully structured to introduce new learning in a logical order. Staff receive extensive training, enabling them to deliver lessons confidently and effectively. Most teachers ensure that pupils grasp the curriculum content; however, there are instances where activities do not align with essential learning objectives, potentially hindering some pupils from acquiring necessary knowledge and vocabulary for future learning. Teachers are proactive in addressing misunderstandings during lessons.
The school has cultivated a vibrant reading culture, with a strong emphasis on phonics from the onset of Reception. Teachers are well-trained in the phonics program, ensuring a consistent approach to teaching. Support is promptly provided to pupils struggling with phonics, enabling most to read with confidence and fluency by the end of key stage one.
Systems are in place to identify pupils with special educational needs, and collaboration with parents and external agencies enhances the support provided. Most of the time, additional support is effective, allowing these pupils to access the same curriculum as their peers. When necessary, appropriate adjustments are made to ensure that all pupils achieve well.
Classroom behavior is generally positive, with minimal disruption to learning. When low-level disruptions occur, staff manage them effectively. Lunchtime is also a time for socializing and engaging in sports, contributing to a positive school atmosphere. The school prioritizes regular attendance, analyzing data to identify and address the causes of absences, which has led to improved attendance rates.
St Cuthbert’s emphasizes the importance of physical and mental well-being, teaching pupils techniques to support their mental health. Respect for diverse cultures and beliefs is promoted, and pupils participate in various extracurricular activities that allow them to explore their talents. Staff express appreciation for the school’s consideration of their workload and well-being, and governors provide effective support and challenge to ensure the school’s ongoing success.
Parental engagement is encouraged through various activities, demonstrating the school’s commitment to involving families in their children’s education. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. While the school is performing well, it is recommended that the curriculum be delivered as intended to ensure that all pupils are adequately prepared for future learning. This inspection marks the second ungraded inspection since the school was last judged to be good in March 2015.