High Well School is a special school located in Pontefract, catering for pupils aged between 10 and 16 years, all of whom have special educational needs and/or disabilities. The school has been recognized as a good institution, with a recent inspection confirming its status. The leadership team at High Well School is committed to preparing pupils for positive futures, ensuring that staff maintain high expectations for all students. The dedicated and knowledgeable staff provide effective teaching and support, helping pupils manage their behavior and fostering a positive school environment.
The curriculum at High Well School is tailored to meet the individual needs of pupils, with a focus on relevant learning experiences. The school emphasizes the importance of reading, and pupils receive effective instruction to improve their literacy skills. The preparing for positive futures curriculum offers well-structured opportunities for pupils to learn about their surroundings and personal safety. Most pupils report that bullying is not a significant issue, and any incidents that do occur are addressed promptly by staff. Pupils appreciate having trusted adults in the school to whom they can turn for support.
While the curriculum is generally well-planned, there are areas for improvement. Some subjects lack clarity in their planning, particularly regarding the sequencing of content and connections between different subjects. This can lead to instances where pupils are expected to apply knowledge from one subject before they have been adequately taught it in another. The school is aware of these challenges and is working to enhance the curriculum's coherence.
The provision for supporting pupils' needs is well-managed by the special educational needs coordinator, who ensures that teachers have the necessary information to support their students effectively. Leaders are ambitious for all pupils and prioritize reading and literacy development. The curriculum also includes essential teachings about British values and protected characteristics, although there is a need for more comprehensive education on different faiths and cultures. Some pupils struggle to engage with lessons on these topics and may use derogatory language regarding those who are different from them.
Pupils generally exhibit good behavior throughout the school, and when behavior does not meet expectations, staff manage it effectively. Physical intervention is used as a last resort, and the school has seen a reduction in such instances over time due to effective behavior management strategies. Recent changes in school governance have stabilized, with governors demonstrating a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development. Strategic plans for the future include significant improvements to the school building.
Pupils also engage in caring for exotic animals, which fosters a sense of responsibility and pride among them. The school collaborates with alternative provision providers to offer courses that are not available in the regular curriculum, ensuring that pupils remain engaged and successful in their education. Staff express enthusiasm for their work and appreciate the support they receive from school leaders, particularly regarding their well-being and workload management.
The safeguarding arrangements at High Well School are robust, with effective systems in place to ensure the safety of pupils. Staff are well-trained in safeguarding responsibilities, and pupils feel secure in their school environment. Overall, High Well School continues to provide a supportive and effective educational experience for its pupils, with ongoing efforts to enhance the curriculum and promote understanding of diversity and respect among students.