St James Primary School, located in Brownhills, Walsall, has been recognized as a good school following its recent inspection on February 20 and 21, 2024. The school fosters a positive environment where pupils enjoy their learning experiences, demonstrating a strong sense of community and self-belief. The leadership team is committed to ensuring that pupils achieve well, and recent changes in curriculum and leadership have led to significant improvements in pupil outcomes, particularly in national tests.
Pupils exhibit commendable behavior, starting from the early years where they learn essential social skills such as sharing and following instructions. The staff maintain high expectations, and pupils respond positively, with any behavioral issues being addressed promptly. The structured environment, along with reward systems and opportunities for discussion, helps pupils navigate conflicts and develop maturity in their interactions.
The school has recently joined the Lighthouse Federation, which has provided stability and strengthened leadership. Leaders have quickly identified the strengths of St James and have worked to address areas that needed improvement. The curriculum has been revamped, allowing staff to understand what to teach and when. However, the current curriculum is quite full, which sometimes limits the time available for pupils to reflect on and revisit their learning. While pupils are exposed to a wide range of subjects, there is a concern that they may not retain as much information as they should.
Reading instruction is a notable strength of the school, with careful attention given to staff training and pupil support. This focus has resulted in many pupils learning to read accurately and fluently. Older pupils demonstrate impressive knowledge of various texts, engaging in thoughtful discussions about themes and societal issues. The school recognizes the importance of a strong foundation in the early years, providing clear and precise teaching that helps children settle and develop confidence in their learning.
The school has also made strides in supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. A new specialist resource provision has been established to cater to pupils with complex needs, and staff are knowledgeable and sensitive in their approach to supporting these pupils. The school promotes a strong sense of social responsibility among pupils, encouraging them to take on roles and responsibilities within the school community.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement. The curriculum needs further refinement to ensure that depth of knowledge is prioritized over breadth. Additionally, the choice of resources in some subjects may limit the quality of pupils' written work, constraining their ability to express their understanding fully. Addressing these areas will help ensure that all pupils can achieve a deeper understanding and apply their knowledge across subjects.
The arrangements for safeguarding at St James Primary School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. The school continues to build on its successes while addressing areas for growth, demonstrating a commitment to providing a high-quality education for its pupils. Overall, St James Primary School is a good school that is well-positioned to continue its journey of improvement and excellence in education.