Hillside Primary School underwent a short inspection on 9 May 2017, following its previous judgment of good in October 2012. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld a positive learning environment where pupils exhibit good behavior and take pride in their education. The school is characterized by a vibrant atmosphere, with both pupils and teachers enjoying the learning process. The commitment to pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development is evident, contributing to their overall flourishing.
The leadership team, along with the governing body, has a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. They have developed a school improvement plan that accurately reflects the necessary steps to enhance educational quality. The leadership is not hesitant to implement calculated changes, particularly in the teaching of mathematics, to ensure pupils achieve higher standards. The focus on problem-solving and reasoning skills has become central to mathematics lessons, resulting in increased enthusiasm among both pupils and teachers.
Since the last inspection, there has been notable progress in the achievement of the least able pupils, with improvements seen across various subjects. The leadership has also prioritized enhancing writing skills, which were previously identified as a weakness. Teachers are now effectively planning resources that support all pupils, ensuring that they can achieve well regardless of their starting points. The school has also made strides in extending learning opportunities for the most able pupils, who are now achieving above the national average in reading and writing.
Despite these advancements, the school acknowledges the ongoing challenge of closing the achievement gap between boys and girls, particularly in writing. The leadership is actively working to address this issue, with a focus on early years provision to support boys and disadvantaged children. The recent acquisition of a pre-school demonstrates the commitment to fostering development from an early age. The leadership is personalizing programs to close developmental gaps, particularly for boys and disadvantaged children.
Safeguarding measures at Hillside Primary School are robust, with thorough policies and practices in place to protect vulnerable pupils. The leadership regularly reviews safety protocols and engages in health and safety assessments to ensure a secure environment for all students. The breakfast club initiative has been well-received, contributing to improved attendance and punctuality among pupils.
Overall, pupils at Hillside Primary School are making progress comparable to their peers nationally by the end of key stage two. The school has implemented effective tracking systems to monitor pupil progress, particularly for disadvantaged and low-ability students. While there has been a marked improvement in the development of boys and disadvantaged children in the early years, the school recognizes the need for continued efforts to enhance their progress further. The leadership is committed to embedding new teaching methods in mathematics and addressing the gender gap in achievement, ensuring that all pupils have the opportunity to succeed.