Little Stoke Primary School is recognized as a good school, providing a friendly and welcoming environment for learning. The staff foster positive relationships with pupils, who embody the school’s values of aspiration, inclusion, responsibility, and collaboration. This supportive atmosphere encourages pupils to learn and play cooperatively, contributing to a happy and safe school experience. The school prioritizes listening to and valuing pupils, with staff demonstrating kindness and patience. Pupils feel confident discussing any concerns, trusting that adults will address issues promptly. High expectations are set for all pupils, who respond by engaging attentively and striving to do their best in lessons, creating a calm and purposeful learning environment.
The school offers a variety of activities and clubs that nurture pupils' talents and interests, including sports, gardening, and music. Pupils are encouraged to take on leadership roles, such as playground leaders and school council members, which enhances their sense of responsibility and involvement in school life. The school has established strong relationships with parents, who largely support the inclusive and welcoming ethos promoted by the school.
Despite recent staffing changes and challenges from previous weaker provisions, the school has made significant strides in improving the quality of education. Reading is a top priority, with a well-implemented phonics program that ensures all pupils receive the support they need to become proficient readers. The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, allowing pupils to build on prior knowledge effectively. For instance, younger pupils confidently discuss historical differences, while older pupils explore complex societal impacts, such as those of the Holocaust.
However, some areas require further improvement. A legacy of underachievement in English and mathematics persists for certain groups of pupils, particularly in upper key stage two. Consequently, a minority of pupils lack a secure grasp of essential curriculum content. The school must continue to address these gaps to ensure all pupils achieve well across all subjects and are prepared for the next stage of their education.
In some subjects, the curriculum does not clearly outline the most critical information that pupils should know, leading to inconsistencies in knowledge depth across different areas. The school is encouraged to refine its curriculum to identify essential knowledge and enhance assessment practices, ensuring that teaching effectively addresses any gaps in learning.
The positive attitudes towards school begin in the Reception Year, where children develop confidence and independence through established routines. Throughout the school, pupils exhibit good behavior and promptly follow staff instructions. The school has effective systems in place to identify pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they receive tailored support to succeed alongside their peers.
The school also emphasizes the importance of pupils' wider development, teaching them about safety, physical and mental health, and the value of positive relationships. This holistic approach prepares pupils well for life in modern society. Governors are actively involved, understanding the school’s priorities and providing support and challenge to school leaders. Staff appreciate the support they receive in managing their workload and value ongoing training to enhance their teaching effectiveness. Overall, Little Stoke Primary School is committed to continuous improvement, striving to provide an excellent education for all its pupils.