Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Oaktree Nursery and Primary School on November 6, 2018, following its previous judgment of good in November 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld educational standards, with a strong emphasis on care and support for pupils and their families. This holistic approach has positively impacted pupils' personal development and welfare, contributing to their academic progress.
Pupils enter the school with low starting points, and while they make incremental improvements, the progress in reading and mathematics has not been consistently strong. In 2017, pupils' attainment in reading and mathematics was above the national average, while writing was in line with national figures. Disadvantaged pupils performed equally well, and the school has successfully improved writing standards since the last inspection. However, some pupils still struggle with the complexity and accuracy of their writing.
The school has expanded its nursery provision, creating engaging learning environments that foster strong relationships between adults and children. Governors have invested in staff to support vulnerable pupils, and the school's enrichment programs effectively build self-confidence and self-esteem among those facing challenges. While attendance has improved, persistent absenteeism remains a concern, prompting leaders to implement various strategies to address this issue.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with leaders ensuring that policies and procedures are up to date. Staff are vigilant about pupil welfare, and concerns are addressed promptly. The inspection highlighted the need for continued focus on improving attendance and ensuring that all pupils catch up on missed work.
The teaching of phonics and early reading has shown improvement, with systematic and regular instruction tailored to pupils' needs. However, some low-attaining pupils in key stage one require more encouragement to apply their phonics skills independently. The school is addressing previous weaknesses in reading, and many pupils are making strong progress.
The inspection also examined the impact of leadership strategies on pupil achievement in phonics and reading. While there has been progress, leaders recognize the need for further improvement in early literacy and number skills to ensure that more children reach a good level of development by the end of Reception. The school is committed to enhancing the quality of teaching and ensuring that all pupils, including those with special educational needs, make sustained progress.
In summary, Oaktree Nursery and Primary School continues to provide a good education, with effective leadership and a strong focus on pupil welfare. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in reading and mathematics, the school is making strides in addressing these challenges. The commitment to enhancing teaching quality and supporting all pupils is evident, and ongoing efforts will be crucial in ensuring that every child achieves their full potential.