Harborne Primary School is an outstanding educational institution located in Birmingham, known for its exceptional performance and high standards. The school has received an overall effectiveness rating of outstanding in its recent inspection, reflecting its commitment to providing a high-quality education for all its pupils. The leadership and management of the school are also rated as outstanding, with leaders fostering a culture of high expectations and continuous improvement. The school’s leaders, including governors, are actively involved in monitoring the quality of teaching and pupil achievement, ensuring that both have improved since the last inspection.
The behaviour and safety of pupils are exemplary, with students demonstrating exceptional conduct in lessons and throughout the school. They feel safe and secure, contributing to a positive learning environment. Attendance rates are above average, and pupils are punctual, indicating their enthusiasm for school. The school promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development effectively, with students taking pride in their school and exhibiting excellent personal qualities.
Teaching at Harborne Primary School is of the highest quality, with teachers using assessment information to tailor their instruction to meet the needs of all pupils. The curriculum is designed to engage students and promote a love of learning, with a wide range of extracurricular activities available. Pupils make excellent progress from the beginning of Year 1, achieving very high standards by the end of Year 6. The school has a strong focus on early years provision, where children receive an excellent start in their education, making rapid progress across all areas of development.
The school is inclusive, providing effective support for pupils who may be at risk of falling behind. Disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs receive targeted assistance, ensuring they achieve well. The school’s approach to teaching phonics and literacy is particularly effective, with pupils demonstrating strong reading and writing skills. The progress of all pupils, including those from minority ethnic backgrounds and those who speak English as an additional language, is closely monitored, and they achieve exceptionally well.
The school’s facilities are well-maintained, and the learning environment is stimulating and conducive to learning. The leadership team is proactive in addressing any areas for improvement, and the school has established rigorous systems for evaluating its performance. The governing body plays a crucial role in supporting the school’s mission, holding leaders accountable and ensuring that the school meets its statutory obligations.
Overall, Harborne Primary School exemplifies excellence in education, with a strong emphasis on high standards, effective teaching, and a supportive learning environment. The school’s commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils is evident in all aspects of its operation. The positive relationships between staff and pupils, along with the school’s inclusive ethos, contribute to a thriving educational community where every child can succeed. The school is well-positioned to maintain its outstanding status and continue providing an exceptional education for its pupils.