On November 5, 2020, Ofsted conducted a remote visit to Hampton Hargate Primary School as part of its efforts to understand how schools are managing the return to full education following the COVID-19 pandemic. The visit was led by Isabel Davis, Her Majesty’s Inspector, and aimed to gather insights into the school's operations since the full reopening mandated by the government in September 2020. The visit was not an inspection and did not involve graded judgments or the usual range of inspection activities, such as classroom observations or reviewing students' work.
During the visit, discussions were held with the headteacher, deputy headteacher, assistant headteacher, special educational needs coordinator, attendance lead, and key stage leaders. However, no discussions took place with pupils. The context of the visit was framed by the ongoing challenges posed by the pandemic, which had resulted in an extended break in formal schooling for many students.
The visit revealed that on September 3, 2020, students in Years 1 to 6 returned to school full-time, while Reception children had a phased return, starting full-time on September 21. Attendance levels were reported to be typical for this time of year, although there was a brief period when the Year 2 bubble had to isolate at home. The school has focused on enhancing the teaching of reading, writing, and mathematics to help students catch up in these critical areas.
Leaders reported minimal disruption to the usual curriculum, with teachers adapting their methods to deliver planned content across all subjects. They are also exploring alternative arrangements for school visits, with some external visitors conducting their sessions online to support curriculum delivery. To address gaps in phonics knowledge, additional work is being provided to students, with staff actively supporting them in pronunciation and comprehension.
Leaders have identified that some students have not been reading regularly, prompting teachers to create opportunities for longer reading sessions and activities designed to deepen understanding of various texts. This initiative aims to rebuild students' confidence in reading. In mathematics, younger pupils are receiving extra support to revisit vocabulary and concepts, particularly in understanding place value.
For all year groups, leaders have ensured that the same subject content is being taught remotely for those who may have difficulties accessing equipment or the internet. Alternative arrangements are in place to ensure that all students can continue learning alongside their peers.
The insights gathered from this visit will contribute to Ofsted's national reporting, helping to inform future policy decisions. The visit did not uncover any significant concerns regarding the school's operations during this challenging period. The information shared by the school will be valuable in understanding the broader educational landscape as schools navigate the ongoing impacts of the pandemic.
The letter summarizing the visit will be shared with the chair of the governing body, the regional schools commissioner, and the director of children's services for Peterborough, and it will also be published on the Ofsted website. The collaborative efforts of the school staff in adapting to the challenges posed by COVID-19 reflect a commitment to maintaining educational standards and supporting student learning during unprecedented times.