Sharps Copse Primary and Nursery School in Havant, Hampshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on September 27 and 28, 2022. The school is characterized by a vibrant and inclusive environment where the emotional and academic needs of pupils are prioritized. Parents express high levels of satisfaction, noting the genuine care that teachers and staff show towards students. Strong relationships based on mutual respect and kindness exist between staff and pupils, contributing to a positive atmosphere where students feel proud to attend. Pupils demonstrate good behavior and positive attitudes towards learning, and they engage well with one another during play and collaborative activities.
The school fosters a sense of safety and happiness among its pupils, who feel confident in seeking help from adults when needed. Instances of bullying are rare, and pupils trust that staff will address any concerns promptly. The school encourages community involvement, exemplified by pupils' generous donations during the harvest festival to support the local food bank.
Leaders at Sharps Copse have developed a broad and ambitious curriculum that addresses the specific knowledge, skills, and vocabulary pupils need to learn. They have made adjustments to the curriculum to address learning gaps caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The headteacher and assistant headteachers provide effective support to subject leaders, enabling most of them to maintain a clear overview of the curriculum and pupil learning. However, this consistency is not yet fully realized across all subjects, and leaders are actively working to enhance this aspect.
The school has established effective systems to assess pupils' understanding in core subjects such as English, mathematics, and science. Teachers are skilled at checking pupils' comprehension in these areas. However, similar assessment practices are not consistently applied in other subjects, and leaders are exploring ways to better evaluate learning across the curriculum.
Staff maintain high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. They quickly identify these pupils and provide a range of effective support, ensuring that all students can access the same curriculum without feeling different from their peers. The mathematics curriculum is well-structured, and early years pupils benefit from numerous opportunities to engage with numbers through conversation and hands-on learning.
In addition to academic subjects, the school places a strong emphasis on personal, social, and health education, promoting healthy living, safety, and relationships. Leaders actively promote equality and diversity, with pupils participating in discussions about gender stereotypes and other relevant topics.
The school serves a community facing significant challenges, and leaders are dedicated to supporting pupils and their families in all aspects of school life. Former pupils share their success stories with current students, helping them to envision potential career paths. Staff work collaboratively as a supportive team, and leaders are mindful of their workload and well-being.
The safeguarding arrangements at Sharps Copse are effective, with a strong culture of safety. Staff receive regular training, and there is a clear process for reporting concerns. The curriculum also educates pupils about potential risks and how to stay safe, including online safety. Overall, the school is committed to continuous improvement, with leaders recognizing areas for development, particularly in ensuring consistent assessment practices across all subjects.