Cotford St Luke Primary School, located in Taunton, Somerset, has undergone an ungraded inspection on October 3 and 4, 2023. The overall judgement remains good, but evidence suggests that a graded inspection might yield a lower rating. The next inspection will be graded. Pupils express happiness and pride in their school, feeling cared for and well-known by staff. Inclusivity is emphasized, with older pupils assisting younger ones during lunch and reading sessions. The school fosters a respectful environment where pupils feel safe and confident that adults will address their concerns. While bullying is understood and managed, some parents and pupils believe that resolution of issues could be quicker.
The school is actively working on its curriculum design to set high expectations for all students, although this initiative is still in its early stages. Currently, the curriculum does not adequately support knowledge retention across all subjects. Pupils enjoy various extracurricular activities, including gymnastics and football, and appreciate leadership roles such as house captains and school council members. They feel empowered to make a difference, as evidenced by ongoing fundraising for new playground equipment.
The school is committed to ensuring pupil success and has made strides in developing a curriculum that identifies and sequences essential knowledge. In subjects like mathematics, the curriculum is clearly mapped out, starting from the early years. For instance, nursery children engage with stories to enhance their understanding of numbers. However, in other subjects, the curriculum lacks clarity regarding the specific knowledge pupils need to acquire, hindering their ability to deepen understanding over time. Consequently, learning outcomes vary across subjects.
Teachers employ strategies to facilitate learning, including opportunities for pupils to practice new concepts based on prior knowledge. For example, in mathematics, initial tasks recap previous learning, aiding knowledge retention. However, assessment practices are inconsistent across subjects, leading to gaps in some pupils' knowledge and hindering their progress.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are included in all school activities, but their needs are not always identified promptly. This delay results in insufficient support for these pupils, affecting their ability to keep pace with their peers. The school promotes a reading culture, starting in early years, where children enjoy a variety of books and engage in phonics programs that help them become confident readers. However, some older pupils lack adequate support to master reading fundamentals, which impacts their overall curriculum access.
Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards learning, and the school is beginning to implement support for those exhibiting challenging behavior. However, the number of suspensions remains high, indicating a need for more effective behavioral support strategies. The school emphasizes the importance of safety, health, and inclusivity, teaching pupils about online safety and healthy living.
Staff express pride in their work environment, appreciating the focus on well-being and professional development. The safeguarding arrangements are deemed effective, ensuring a safe learning environment for all pupils. The school must address the identified gaps in knowledge sequencing and assessment practices to enhance learning outcomes. Additionally, timely identification and support for pupils with SEND are crucial for their academic success. The school is encouraged to analyze behavioral issues to reduce suspensions and provide necessary support for all pupils. Overall, while the school demonstrates strengths in various areas, there are clear opportunities for improvement to ensure all pupils achieve their full potential.