Loughborough Primary School, located in Brixton, London, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on March 13 and 14, 2023. The evidence gathered during this inspection indicates that the school has made significant improvements in its performance, suggesting that it could potentially be rated as outstanding in a future graded inspection. The school is committed to fostering a positive environment where pupils are encouraged to work hard, take responsibility, and support one another. Leaders emphasize the importance of developing active citizenship among students, as demonstrated by various social change projects and fundraising initiatives for local charities.
The curriculum at Loughborough Primary School is ambitious and well-structured, preparing pupils effectively for their future education. Students are expected to maintain high standards of behavior and academic performance, which they consistently achieve across different subjects. The school has established clear routines that support learning from the early years, ensuring that children in Nursery and Reception are well-prepared for their educational journey. Pupils appreciate their lessons and treat each other with kindness, contributing to a safe and supportive school atmosphere. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, school leaders respond promptly to resolve any issues, fostering a sense of security among students.
The school excels in delivering a broad and ambitious curriculum, with a focus on key concepts and vocabulary that pupils need to master. This curriculum is carefully sequenced to allow for the revisiting and deepening of knowledge over time. For instance, in history, pupils explore significant concepts such as empire and settlement through the study of ancient civilizations, enhancing their understanding as they progress through different historical topics. Similarly, in science, foundational concepts are revisited, enabling pupils to apply their knowledge to classify various animals and plants.
Teachers at Loughborough Primary School demonstrate excellent subject knowledge and receive ongoing professional development to enhance their teaching practices. They effectively check pupils' understanding and provide clear explanations, particularly in mathematics, where the emphasis is placed on developing pupils' spoken language and reasoning skills. Reading is prioritized from the start of Reception, with a consistent phonics program that helps pupils become confident and fluent readers. The school ensures that pupils who struggle with phonics receive additional support, allowing them to catch up quickly.
Leaders are proactive in identifying pupils who may need extra assistance, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. This early identification ensures that all students have access to the same curriculum and support as their peers. The school promotes collaboration among pupils, resulting in a classroom environment with minimal disruption. The personal, social, and health education curriculum further supports pupils' wider development, teaching them essential life skills such as online safety and health awareness.
Loughborough Primary School also offers a variety of extracurricular activities and workshops that enhance pupils' cultural development and interests in sports. Staff members feel supported and valued, with leaders being approachable and open to feedback. The school has effective safeguarding arrangements in place, with leaders actively involved in local partnerships to ensure the safety and well-being of all pupils. Overall, Loughborough Primary School is a thriving educational institution that prioritizes the holistic development of its students while maintaining high academic standards.